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Opening app opens new outline Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm running OO 3.10.2 under Lion. Before I upgraded to Lion, opening OO didn't open a new outline. It just put the app menu at the top of my screen and let me go into the menu to choose which outline to outline.

Since upgrading to Lion, opening the app opens a new outline. Since almost all of my work is in existing outlines, I don't want it to open a new outline each time I open the app. How can get OO to revert to the old behavior, and not open a new outline every time I open the app?
Have you checked the setting under

OmniOutliner Pro > Preferences > General preferences > When OmniOutliner starts up

When I open General Preferences, all I get is "Edit New Document Template", "Automatically create attachments from typed URLs", "Reset", and a Help button (a question mark in a circle).
There is something wrong with the newest Preferences -- it doesn't offer anything else but to edit the startup template (which opens automatically whenever you start the program).

However, the Help still refers to choices (the first 2 are missing):
When OmniOutliner starts up

- Select the Open documents which were open last time you quit to keep a consistent workspace between OmniOutliner sessions.
- The Create new document checkbox gives you a new, untitled document to work on each time you start OmniOutliner.
- The Edit New Document Template button opens the default new document template outline; any changes you save to this outline will appear in each new outline you create.
That's OO Pro v.3.10.2.
Sorry for the confusion here - the documentation needs to be updated. (Bug filed!)

What's going on here is that we're trying to move OmniOutliner closer to the behavior of Apple's own apps. Specifically, we're trying to restore the state the windows were in when the app was closed, and if there are no windows, open a new document window for you.

There's one thing that TextEdit does which OmniOutliner currently doesn't - opening a document will also remove the unsaved document it auto-created for you. That seems a little friendlier than leaving the unsaved window hanging around as we currently do - I'll file a feature request on that.
we're up to 3.10.4 and still, launch OO gives a new document?!

I'm running OS 10.7.3, but still if I quit OO w/ no files open, when I relaunch I get a new OO doc.
Sorry for the confusion, cconstantine! That behavior is by design and meant to make OmniOutliner behave similarly to Apple's own document-based apps.

(The bug I referred to in my previous post was the need to update the documentation to reflect that fact.)
...I understood that.

I consider always-open-a-new-document, which I then always have to close, to be a *bug* -- or, alternatively, there's simply a missing feature (the ability to turn off said behavior.) Regardless what other apps do, the app isn't doing what I (and others) want -- which is open-and-do-nothing, (or open with last-open docs.)

I also find it absurd to not be able to control what happens when the program opens. Why does OO want to force me to close an unwanted window each time I open the program? What I want is for it to open the last open document when I open the program (I'm almost always using that same doc).

If this program were free/cheap I could understand this, but that's not the case. The preferences should allow us to do more, not less.
Hi strudel, are you saying you're using 10.7 and OO isn't opening the documents you had open the last time you quit? It should be doing that and only creating a new document if nothing was open. There has been a few people reporting this issue and I think it was resolved by resetting the preferences. Try moving aside the ~/Library/Preferences/com.omnigroup.OmniOutliner(Pro)3.plist file while the application is closed and see if that gets it working right.

If it doesn't, please email our Support Ninjas at Thanks!

Originally Posted by strudel View Post

I also find it absurd to not be able to control what happens when the program opens. Why does OO want to force me to close an unwanted window each time I open the program? What I want is for it to open the last open document when I open the program (I'm almost always using that same doc).

If this program were free/cheap I could understand this, but that's not the case. The preferences should allow us to do more, not less.

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