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Print to OF Inbox Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
OK, I totally stole this from the DocumentSnap blog, where it was configured as a folder action, but I was surprised when I couldn't find a print-to-inbox script on this forum. To use the script, open it in AppleScript Editor and save it as a script (.scpt extension, not .applescript which is text) to ~/Library/PDF Services/ . Once you've done that, it will show up in the PDF menu at the bottom of expanded Print dialog boxes, and you'll be able to stick anything you can print directly into your OmniFocus inbox.
Attached Files
File Type: applescript Save PDF to OmniFocus Inbox.applescript (526 Bytes, 1065 views)
Just what I needed. I use Evernote for filing and OF for doing. It is easy to scan documents straight into Evernote, but was looking for a way to send documents from Evernote to the OF inbox as attachments when they require actions. This is it. Perfect. Scan document to Evernote for saving/archiving. Print that document from Evernote via this script in the PDF menu to create a task with that PDF as an attachment.

Many thanks.
Just stumbled upon this. So helpful. Used to be multiple steps to get the PDF into my inbox. Very helpful to triage PDFs that need to be acted upon.
Originally Posted by 12InchesofSnow View Post
Just stumbled upon this. So helpful. Used to be multiple steps to get the PDF into my inbox. Very helpful to triage PDFs that need to be acted upon.
Ditto. Thanks :)
I'm a beginner with AppleScript - it took me a while to get the script in the right place...

What worked for me was saving the script into a temporary folder and then using finder to copy it to the ~/Library/PDF Services/ folder.

I was asked to authenticate and the file went in fine.

Just trying to save it with the applescript editor gave a (rather uninformative) error message.

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