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Add "Window Size" as a page specific option Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
In other words, say you want to view the Apple home page with the browser window full size and the Google home page at 600x800 or whatever size you like.

Since web sites can resize your window, why not turn the tables on them?
I like this suggestion too. Make sure you've sent feedback thru the OW help menu as well.
I like this too, but how would it work with tabs?
Originally Posted by Forrest
I like this too, but how would it work with tabs?
That's a good question. I never thought about the tab aspect. I would think that this option could only be applied (Uh oh, another idea popped in my head) if the site was opened in it's own window, if possible.
Originally Posted by Chiller
That's a good question. I never thought about the tab aspect. I would think that this option could only be applied (Uh oh, another idea popped in my head) if the site was opened in it's own window, if possible.
So how would that apply to pop-up windows then?
Theoretically, every tab could have its own size - most tabs having the default size, i.e. not changing the size the browser window has at the moment, but some tabs changing the window size as workspaces already do. That would mean: If the current page does not have a windows size defined, use the current window size, if it has, use the defined size and return to the prevous windows size for any link followed (that doesn't have a defined window size).

Workspaces already use different window sizes - why shouldn't tabs do the same? There could be a defined window size for certain servers that wouldn't affect other servers: If and only if a page from a defined server is displayed, the window could resize to the desired size and go back to the default size of the workspace if any other site is diplayed.

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