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zoomed text editor icon coming back in 5.6? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi all,

Is the zoomed text editor coming back, or is the new location in the status bar permanent? The reason I'm asking is that I don't usually have the status bar displayed.
i agree!
i also don't have the status bar visible usually.
Is there any chance we will get resizable textareas like in Safari, rather than (or in addition to) the zoomed text editor? I love the resizable textareas, and they are far more elegant than the zoomed text editor IMO.
Originally Posted by dangerous
Is there any chance we will get resizable textareas like in Safari, rather than (or in addition to) the zoomed text editor? I love the resizable textareas, and they are far more elegant than the zoomed text editor IMO.
Yes, I agree.
Originally Posted by danielandrews
Hi all,

Is the zoomed text editor coming back, or is the new location in the status bar permanent? The reason I'm asking is that I don't usually have the status bar displayed.
Keep in mind that we also added a menu option in the Edit menu and Context menu for text areas. There's also the shortcut Command-Option-E.
Originally Posted by dangerous
Is there any chance we will get resizable textareas like in Safari, rather than (or in addition to) the zoomed text editor? I love the resizable textareas, and they are far more elegant than the zoomed text editor IMO.
For those interested in the Safari resizable text area. We're creating a hidden preference that will enable them in OmniWeb. Or you can create a custom style sheet that includes this:

textarea {
resize: both !important;
Looks like builds after r89238 will enable resizable textareas with this default command in the terminal:

defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5 ShowResizableTextAreas -bool true
That's excellent news - the CSS hack also works very well with the current build!
2 great nuggets of info! Thanks for the update!
Just downloaded the latest SP. Resizable text areas!!!

Thank you Omni, for including all these up-to-date webkit innovations.

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