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Paste any lines in Clipboard as new tasks Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
In partial response to a posting under Applescript Requests:

I'd like it if I had a list, (as might come from an email)
1. Please do this
2. Please do that
3. Oh, and this other thing.

I'd like to select the list, hit a button and have three new actions created.
Here is a draft script which appends any lines of text in the clipboard as children of the project or task which is currently selected in Omnifocus.

i.e. you would need to tap CMD-C to capture text lines into the clipboard, and then run this script.

Not outstandingly useful, it has to be said, as Omnifocus does quite a good job of pasting text lines anyway :-)

Last edited by RobTrew; 2011-07-05 at 08:46 AM..
I'll give it a try. Thanks very much.
That works exactly right. Thanks again.
Hello Rob,

would it be possible to use your applescript for Ical?

Originally Posted by amelchi View Post
would it be possible to use your applescript for Ical?
No - that kind of script is application-specific.

Not quite sure what you are trying to do. Dumping lines from the clipboard into the to do list of the first iCal calendar might look something like the following, but iCal is not really my thing, I'm afraid.

	set lstLines to paragraphs of (Unicode text of (the clipboard as record))
on error
	tell application id "sevs" to display alert "No text lines in clipboard"
end try

set lngLines to length of lstLines
if lngLines < 1 then return

tell application id ""
	tell first calendar
		repeat with oLine in lstLines
			make new todo with properties {summary:oLine}
		end repeat
		set strCal to name
	end tell
	display alert (lngLines as string) & " To Do item(s) added to calendar: " & strCal
end tell
thanks a lot... it is just perfect!

just curious... what do you use as calendar app? on the mac


Originally Posted by amelchi View Post
what do you use as calendar app?
I do use iCal. I just mean that I've never really needed to look at its applescript library - it's good enough for the simple use I make of it.
actually I find the Ical search options too weak... only reason to move on to BusyCal
Originally Posted by amelchi View Post
only reason to move on to BusyCal
BusyCal certainly looks well designed, but it may not be the best option for scripted integration with OmniFocus.

It does implement the very simple application-independent applescript basics, but unlike iCal it doesn't have its own applescript suite, offering access to the application data.

A script like the one above, for example, could not be written for the current version of BusyCal ...

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