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Line rendering error in SVG export Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I'm having a small problem with the SVG export (I'm using Pro 4.2.2). When lines have any thickness other than 1pt and also have an arrow (or other shape) at the end, then the off-set of the arrow will be wrong in SVG export. Would this be easy to fix?

Example here:

This seems to be happening to me too. I'm using 5.0.1 Pro.

If you export as a PDF and then import into something like Inkscape the arrows remain correct. You can then save as an SVG.

Shame, as this was one of the reasons why I upgraded to the Pro version.

Is there are place to post bugs, or is this that place?

Feel free to send feedback to, that's the best place for bug reports and the like.

That said, at the time we wrote the SVG export code Batik was the only viewer that supported arrowheads or markers, so that's what we aimed for.

Nowadays, lots of SVG viewers support markers, so we have to go and test against the lot of them now.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
IIRC, the SVG spec was ambiguous, and it looks like the majority of viewers now position arrowheads using the interpretation we didn't choose for OmniGraffle.

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