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HTML Dynamic on a web page? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I exported into html dynamic but on copy-pasting the file in a RapidWeaver styled page (and after publishing), my original OOL info is static, not dynamic.

How can i make it dynamic?

I guess I must first upload the package (my OOL dynamic html file) to my public_htlm file at my webhost's, right. So, what's next?

In other words, how do I embed it on a web page?


Last edited by kint; 2008-06-23 at 02:24 PM..
I now have the answer to my question.

If somebody needs it, please post here and I'll answer you.
Originally Posted by kint View Post
I now have the answer to my question.

If somebody needs it, please post here and I'll answer you.

I'd love to see your solution to this. I'm trying to get an oo3 file into my RapidWeaver project. I've exported the oo3 file it as dynamic html, which actually ended up being static until I deleted the bullets in OmniOutliner Preferences>RTF Export before exporting. Then the exported html page rendered correctly in Safari with the disclosure triangles functioning as expected.

Getting this to work in RW, however, has been tricky. I've pasted the source code into a RW html page; did a Search/Replace of the code and edited outliner.js so they could pick up the files from the correct location;
added the .png assets and .js file to the Page Inspector>Header>Assets pane of RW.

But despite great advice on the realmacsoftware forum, I get correctly indented text but no disclosure triangles, just those blue question mark file-not-found images.

If you have formulated a step-by-step solution I'd love to see it!

Originally Posted by silvermoonbeam View Post

I'd love to see your solution to this.
Hi Christopher,

I am now away and will be for some weeks from my usual computer where I have the related RW website project but I can try to help you.

What I did was very simple and I'm still wondering why the OmniGroup staff did not bother to reply and why the RW forum was not able to help, all these people know MUCH MORE than I do...
But nevermind.

Do as follows:

1. Publish your RW project without the OOL file.
2. If you have Transmit, open it: in the left pane it displays what's on your computer and in the right pane what's published on your host's servers.
3. Find the file where your RW website is published (in Transmit's right pane).
4. Find the "public_htlm" folder related to your RW website (some webhosting companies call this folder a different name but find the folder).
5. Into the "public_htlm" folder, create a subfolder called EXACTLY the same name as your OOL file on your computer
6. Still in Transmit, go to the left pane and find your OOL folder on your computer.
7. Upload this OOL folder to the subfolder you've just created
8. On your computer: open your RW website project, create an external page and link it. In my example the name of the link would be:
9. Republish you RW website project.
10. Voilą ;-)

Note: I must say that my original OOL file (or package) does not contain any image or sound, but just words; it's a glossary or sort of.

Maybe you could try that if you haven't already and let me know what happens.

Good luck ;-)
Originally Posted by kint View Post
What I did was very simple and I'm still wondering why the OmniGroup staff did not bother to reply and why the RW forum was not able to help, all these people know MUCH MORE than I do...
This is a user forum which the Omni staffers follow and contribute to as time permits. If you need a guaranteed response, use Help->Send Feedback or email
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
This is a user forum which the Omni staffers follow and contribute to as time permits. If you need a guaranteed response, use Help->Send Feedback or email
I did so much before posting on this forum.

The OmniGroup staff replied "they were not qualified" to answer such a question.
In that case, your statement that "they didn't bother to reply" isn't exactly accurate, no? I'm not sure why they are expected to know all about RapidWeaver...
Hi, Kint,

Thank you so much for posting your solution to this. My project is several weeks away from publication to the web, but I'll be trying this when the time comes.

Ideally, I'd love to have the Omni Outline show up with the RapidWeaver template, but it's looking that that's not possible (or at least it's beyond my ability right now).



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