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Changing the default templates? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I need to tweak the default templates for the HTML export. It seems the only way is to create one from scratch. Are the ones the app currently uses available to use as starting points? I really don't want to code it all when all I need is to make the links to the calendar change from http:// to webcal://.

ETA: ok, i figured out how to get the starting point, now the links I need to change are in the tag: @ResourceCalendarLink@

How do I change this so the link goes to webcal:// instead of http://?

Last edited by henry13; 2008-07-14 at 04:19 AM..
Well Henry, I've been waiting quietly for someone smarter than me to come up with a good answer, but maybe there isn't one. Hopefully you found the "File -> Customize HTML Template..." menu item that will make a copy of the default template for you to work on (defaulting the save panel to a spot where the app will automatically find the new template).

But that doesn't solve your problem. The @ResourceCalendarLink@ tag is replaced by an anchor whose href is a relative URL and it's pretty much hard-coded. The only thing I could think of is that it might be possible to insert some javascript that does DOM traversal and patches up the link. Put an element id on the nearest container for the links as a shortcut to get you close, traverse its children to identify the anchors, and modify their attributes?

It all sounds frightfully simple (not!) but it's a bit beyond my javascript fu. Any volunteers?


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