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Does anyone know of a way to clear flags off multiple items all at once? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
While I've been learning how to use OF, I've tried using flags to prioritize items that need immediate attention. Now, I've ended up with a collection of items both, complete and incomplete, that have been flagged by them. I'd like to reprioritze everything and would like to turn them all off. Unfortuantely, there doesn't seem to be a way to select all the flagged items and then turn them all off at once. I can filter for all flagged items, but it seems that you can only turn them off one-by-one. This is of course very time consuming. Does anyone know of a way to clear flags from multiple items rather than one-by-one? am I missing something?
Wouldn't selecting all, then using the flag menu item (in the Edit menu) or the flag button in the toolbar (if included) do the trick?

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