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I've been a long term omnifocus and omnioutliner pro user (2008). I have to say that back in 2008 Omni was my hero. Their programmes were superb and my most used apps. These days, I no longer use omnioutliner, simply because it is so behind the times. I cannot zoom, printing is awkward and the programme is pretty still what it was 5 years ago. Although when you realise that the current version was release in 2005 it not too surprising.

Omnifocus has been a love hate relationship. I really like it and yet absolutely hate it. As a number of reviewers have said it's infinite ability to tweak is a strength, but also a weakness to productivity. I've also learned that no two people approach a task in the same way so you need the ability to use the software differently. It's at this point I've discovered that omnifocus allows you to tweak certain elements, but not change major workflows. One of the greatest debates over the years has been with multiple contexts. My question is why omni haven't made this an optional feature folks can use if they want? I don't understand shoe-horning your users down a single context track. It's fairly evident from examples given that there are good reasons for multiple contexts or tags. Here again the release date for the current version was nearly five years ago. What concerns me even more is that the database architecture is not changing in the new upcoming version so real groundbreaking changes to the app doesn't seem likely

I struggle with software that has such a long release cycle. Offerings such a Wunderlist and have managed much faster turn arounds. The IT world changes at breakneck speed and let's face it todo apps are often the most accessed.

Another nail in the coffin for me is that omni does not offer multi-platform. Omni are not alone, Things, one of it's competitors is also mac only. I've seen a phenomenal change in the landscape of OS's people use, myself included. Apple are not longer the gleaming innovators they once were. Their software crashes far more often than it used to and their mobile offerings are no better than anyone else's. However, they still charge more than everyone else and this has driven many people to cheaper alternatives. From 2008 till 2012 I was mac only, but not wanting to pay the extra for a iPhone 5 I went for a galaxy note 2; a purchase I might add that I've been extremely pleased with even now. My immediate problem is that omnifocus doesn't do Android. Rexwireless wrote an interesting white paper essentially saying that the one device everyone has with them all the time is their mobile phone. For task management software it is therefore essential that the software works on your mobile phone. I'm also finding that if an app on my phone is really good, I may purchase the big brother for my desktop. The desktop is no longer the determiner of what software I buy. I think right here is where omni and Culture Code are going to struggle. If I need my todo list on my phone and their software doesn't provide it, I'm going to use an alternative. This also means I'll ditch their desktop and ipad version. I can't use two different todo apps. I have attempted to do without my todo list on my Samsung, but after six months come to the conclusion that it just doesn't work and there's no way I'm carting my iPad around with me everywhere.

The final nail in the coffin is the cost. Desktop, iPad, iPhone costs $140. Most task management subscription packages such as Wunderlist and Doit would get you over four years of use. The difference is that they give you free apps for every platform and a web app just in case. Having tested then out, the apps are of a good quality as well.

My conclusion is that I will not be continuing with omni products once the new releases come out. Too much money for a solution that only goes two-thirds the way for me. I'm writing this as I've been researching a new solution, but felt that omni, if not aware already should be aware the reasons some folks won't be upgrading.

I also want to thank omni as you've provided me with some superb software over the last five years and I'm going to miss you!

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