I'd just like to make a request to OMNI to do something about the busy, sterile, bland aesthetic of OMNIFOCUS. Clearly it's the functional leader among the ToDo apps out there, but it seriously lacks a clean, elegant aesthetic. That's one area they could improve on and mimic the likes of Things, Hitlist, action|method etc.
I suggest looking at Things, HitList, and Action|Method(from Behance) and come up with a way(using color, texture, layout) to make Omnifocus as aesthetically appealing as their competitors. Form and function should be harmonized, not seperate. Each of those competing products has something to be learned from re: visual design and look/feel.
The aesthetics of an application contribute significantly to the user experience that it delivers.
I'd like to invite ohers to add what they think would be desirable changes to the OF visual design:
I like the colored tabs in The HitList
I like the clean look of AM, and the layout of tasks as a grid option.
Note the use of shading, color, and texture in Things
I suggest looking at Things, HitList, and Action|Method(from Behance) and come up with a way(using color, texture, layout) to make Omnifocus as aesthetically appealing as their competitors. Form and function should be harmonized, not seperate. Each of those competing products has something to be learned from re: visual design and look/feel.
The aesthetics of an application contribute significantly to the user experience that it delivers.
I'd like to invite ohers to add what they think would be desirable changes to the OF visual design:
I like the colored tabs in The HitList
I like the clean look of AM, and the layout of tasks as a grid option.
Note the use of shading, color, and texture in Things