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Need Help Using Linkback Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm trying to use OG and Notebook together via Linkback.

I'd really like to be able to create an OG.graffle and have it link-displayed in one or more Notebooks. I'd also like to have the .graffle file independently editable from the Notebook (I don't want the Notebook to swallow the .graffle). I'd like to be able to use the .graffle in many notebooks (and other Linkback apps).

I've tried this and tried that and stumbled on establishing a link. However, by the time I got here I can't remember what "that" was and how to recreate it.

First, how the #*$&% do I really do what I propose?

Finally, is there a way I can kick off OG within another LinkBack app, and have the link established automatically?

I'm really thinking about writing "OmniGraffle: The Missing Manual" so I can understand.

It should just take a simple copy and paste, however you may want to copy as PDF from OmniGraffle's Edit Menu -> Copy As submenu in order to force the issue.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Forgive my ignorance. I have more than one question. Should I use one entry per question, or would you please answer more than one question? Your reply seems to imply that a two year old should understand how to use this feature, I'm sorry that I'm not that bright. Joel I know your trying to help. It must be difficult dealing with morons like me.

Cut from where?
From inside OG, from a Finder page with a .graffle file selected?

Paste to where?
I have multiple places I'd like it to appear.

Why do I need to "force the issue"?

Why isn't it a menu pick?

My assumption is that Linkback would allow me to create one .graffle file and then link it into several apps. The benefit being that I can maintain data changes to the .graffle and it is updated everywhere the .graffle is used. How far off am I in my assumption?

Please resume and enjoy your "Vroom-ing".

Last edited by Rivkah; 2008-09-26 at 04:56 AM.. Reason: Gram-mer
LinkBack is a technology that allows a copy from one LinkBack-enabled application that acts as a "server" and a subsequent past into a LinkBack application that acts as a "client".

Afterwards, in the app that you pasted into, a double-click or the use of an Edit Menu entry will open up the pasted content in whatever application you copied from, you make your changes, and after saving the pasted content will update.

It has nothing to do with the original file you copied from, as the pasted content has enough information in it to create a new ad-hoc document for you to work with.

I may have come off as terse in my last reply, however that's because at its root LinkBack is as simple as copy/paste/double-click/edit. That's why I suggested copying as a certain format as I suspected that Notebook and/or Graffle may have been having troubles for whatever reason (and copying as PDF is the way to perform LinkBack operations between OmniGraffle documents).

In short, copy from OmniGraffle, paste into however many different LinkBack applications or spots in the same app, either double-click the pasted content and that should work fine.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Thank you for your response.

You helped me bring it more into focus though it's still a tad murky.

It looks like I'm trying to make LinkBack more complex than it is.

And forgive my curt reply. I broke my neck a while back, and pain and/or frustration puts me into growly bear mode. When growling it's sometimes hard to remember that the hand I'm chewing on is a helpful one. Hope your hand recovers.
Hi Rivkah

Joel's explained how linkback works but didn't say explicitly that it cannot work the way you were asking (with pointers from a master file into other files).

Linkback doesn't work that way. It makes a copy in the "client" e.g. Notebook that then can cause it to open up OG from that copy (and has no link to the original file)

Some programs, such as Curio (don't know about Notebook) will use one copy of a linkback object (i.e. an OG image) within a document in multiple places and if you edit one, all change (within that Curio document only). It makes no reference to the original file.

At least that is how I understand linkback.

Hope your neck is feeling better

-- Morgan

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