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OO export to LaTex Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
What is the proper way of exporting OmniOutliner document into LaTex?
I'v seen export to ConText, but this is not suitable for me.
I'd like to second the return of this, if possible. Two things originally got me to go for the gold and buy OO: kGTD and the exporting to LaTeX. Only to find out that it no longer worked. Which is nobody's fault but mine, of course...but it would be wonderful if it was brought back to life. Many an academic would thank you (and quite likely buy your product).
I too would like to use OmniOutliner and then port the results to LaTeX. As a temporary measure, I've written a command-line Objective-C application that uses the built-in XML processing of NSXMLDocument to parse an opml file, and then writes out a LaTeX documentclass report file with the various levels mapped to chapter, section, etc. down to subparagraph.

Usage is:
opml2latex input.opml output.tex

It is available at:
including source code, universal (I hope) executable, and a combination example and documentation file (in oo3 format).

We released a LaTeX exporter a few months ago? Don't quite remember how long but you'll find it in this package:

It will only work with the professional version of OO though. Let us know if you run into any problems with it.
Just installed the exports plugin yesterday for outliner pro (3.6.5 v143.28). Trying to export a trivial test document to latex just results in an empty file. I checked the exporter file, it looks to be just xslt... does anyone know if there are some special instructions I'm goofing up on here?

Ah sorry, got it now. File is actually a directory, but finder seems to think its a tex file?
Oh - that's a bug in the exporter dialog. What you have to do is select to export another type, and then reselect latex article and it will show up just nicely (as a folder with a single document in it).

I'm doing my PhD dissertation as a series of omiouliner files that I export to LaTeX. So if you have any questions on the quirks feel free to ask (as I've prety much seen it all at this point).

For example:
1. If you have bolded or underlined text NOT using their formatting on the left it will get munged on the export. Do not do this. In fact, just don't bother at all. IF you want emphasis, use the \emph{} tag right in the document rather than the emph tag (or hotkey F3)
2. If you are writing in the rows rather than the comments at the bottom and you include a carriage return inside a single row, the exporter will not recognize it.
3. If you paste in quotes from Word or any rich text editor, they will get munged. Quotes in LaTeX are supposed to be `` and '' respectively, anyway.
4. It only exports the first column (which is great for making inline comments, but bad if that's not what you expect).
5. You REALLY should put any LaTeX tables or formulae in the 'notes' pane rather than the rows. Generally when writing LaTeX in OOP it makes sense to view the notes inline rather than at the bottom.

Yeah, its very sensitive and fickle, but once you get used to the quirks it works like a charm. I've already published two articles written entirely in OmniOutliner and exported to LaTeX. I can't see myself using anything else now, except in collaborative work. The only probably is that I have to make changes twice when I start tweaking the document in TextMate (or TexShop, which is what I used to use) - once in the actual Tex document and then again in the OOP file.

Last edited by blurky; 2008-04-21 at 07:26 PM.. Reason: more info
Originally Posted by blurky View Post
Oh - that's a bug in the exporter dialog. What you have to do is select to export another type, and then reselect latex article and it will show up just nicely (as a folder with a single document in it).
Hi I am having the same problem as Helsey, but I don't understand the remedy offered here. Excuse the ignorance. What can I do so that I don't export a blank Latex file? Thanks.
Originally Posted by blurky View Post
1. If you have bolded or underlined text NOT using their formatting on the left it will get munged on the export. Do not do this. In fact, just don't bother at all.
Yes. Also avoid special characters; they seem to be dropped, and sometimes seem to kill the rest of the paragraph as well. Most of the mathematics in my document seems to have been removed, e.g.,

The primitive symbols of the language, in addition to the usual first-order logical apparatus, are “=”, “∈”, “Ψ”, “Υ”, and (for use with a strong form of Choice) “G'”.


The primitive symbols of the language, in addition to the usual first-order logical apparatus, are =, , ,

Here’s the actual TeX output, from a document containing only the above text:


The primitive symbols of the language, in addition to the usual first-order logical apparatus, are “=”, “ζ”, “Ψ”, “

Last edited by FlashSheridan; 2011-02-09 at 01:12 PM.. Reason: Added output LaTeX

writer2latex ( seems to do a respectable though incomplete job (e.g. it drops underlining), once you've converted to RTF and then OpenOffice. I may end up using a combination of the broken OmniOutliner plug-in (for just the section headings) and writer2latex for everything else. (It also seems to have trouble with some Unicode characters, though that may be because of my struggles with XeTeX.)

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