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iCal sync on Mountain Lion? [A: May work for now; 10.8 deprecates the API the feature depends on.] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I read this in the OF advice related to Mountain Lion:
"...because of iCal changes in Mac OS X 10.8, iCal Sync no longer works..."

that means no more sync with Reminders? even of local calendars?
I hope I understand wrong...

10.8 moves all your calendars to iCloud; Local calendars no longer exist. Note that the calendar reminders export feature still works, but if you install 10.8, two-way sync with iCal/Calendars is no longer possible.
Hi Brian,
this doesn't seem to be true... in my ML I can create local calendars...
and talking about todos they sync like a charm between OF and Busycal for instance (in ML); please don't drop this feature... it still works!

just to be precise: Reminders allow to create local onmymac list; and so does Calendar... Busycal allows both!


Last edited by amelchi; 2012-07-27 at 10:49 AM..
Apologies for the confusion! This is what I get for leaving my Mountain Lion-upgraded laptop at home yesterday and posting without empirical testing. ;-)

I followed up on this with a couple more folks today: here's what appears to be going on. It does look like Calendar will let you create local calendars, but it’s important to remember that to-dos are now shown in Reminders, which defaults to putting new lists in iCloud.

Aside from amelchi's experience, we've gotten at least one additional report of the feature continuing to work after installing Mountain Lion. Folks with this already set up may be able to avoid adjusting their workflow for the time being.

The fact remains that this release of the OS officially moves the programming interface this feature depends on to "deprecated" status. This is basically Apple saying "this works for now, but we may break it or remove it if we need to at any point from here on out". Even if there turns out to be a way of making a new “on my Mac” to-do list, the feature will stop working when Apple removes the API it depends on.

Upshot: people with this already set up may be able to use the feature for a while longer on Mountain Lion, but it's virtually guaranteed to break at some point in the future. To reduce the potential for greater confusion when that happens, the 1.10.3 release will remove the UI for this feature when running on Mountain Lion. We don't want additional customers building their workflows around this.

We apologize for the inconvenience this causes folks who were able to put the feature to other uses, but it has far outlived the intended purpose, which was syncing to-dos with pre-iPhone PDAs.

Rather than spend more energy keeping this feature limping along, we’re going to continue working on giving OmniFocus a new, more modern interface and foundation that will benefit all our Mac customers. Thanks for understanding.
thanks Brian for the quick reply

"Rather than spend more energy keeping this feature limping along, we’re going to continue working on giving OmniFocus a new, more modern interface and foundation that will benefit all our Mac customers..."

What we all ask I think is to define a solid relationship with Icloud Apple apps!


Hi there,

I just found out that you disabled syncing with iCal.

That is a big turndown for me, because this single feature is the most important in my workflow.


Before I came to the Mac I was using MS Outlook, which has some pretty good advantages. The most important one is the fact that you have one system where you can manage appointments, tasks and emails in one place.

While I do not wish to use Windows again, I noticed that the separation of Mail, iCal and Taskmanagement in the Mac Platform is no advantage. Having such vital information fragmented in different apps is a pain in the neck.

It makes planning complicated, because I have to go back and forth between a tasmanagement app and a calendar app.

So I have build a workflow that works like follows:

1. I enter each task at OmniFocus (I assign a Project, Context and a Duedate).

2. I sync manually Omnifcous with BusyCal so that my tasks show up in the Calendar.

3. I can change tasks in Busycal (rename, new due date) and sync it back to Omnifocus.

With this I have a very simple and filtered view of my daily work: Appointemnts are on the left in the calenderview. Tasks for this specific day are shown on the right side. Everything important is in one place.

If I need to have a forecast, I can switch to the weekly view of Busycal and see what I have on my plate for the rest of the week. (I enjoy your forecast view on the iPad a lot. Very often I do my weekly planning process with the iPad).

With your newest version this workflow is broken.

I went back to the old version, so I have no problem so far. But if you stick with your decision to have sync not available anymore than I will switch to another solution.

I am writing this in detail, because I hope that you rethink your decision. Having tasks and appointments in two different places is a step backwards.

Or maybe you have another solution that you are working on or that you would like to suggest?


I am equally disappointed. I need to be able to see my calendar commitments and my workflow at the same time or both suffer.
I too want to register my disappointment - since iCal sync is still working, I'd prefer that you keep the feature at least until the launch of OF 2

Apple keeps on disappointing me more and more. So, is my understanding correct that this still works for Mountain Lion but it might not work for future versions of Mac OS?

My current Mac (Mac Pro 2007) doesn't even run Mountain Lion, so I'm "stuck" with Lion on that machine (and even if I could, I'd probably not get Mountain Lion). I'll get a new Mac once the new iMacs or new Mac Pros are available, so I'm afraid I'll have to use Mountain Lion then ... but then, I might stop upgrading because Apple keeps on breaking stuff I really do need:

I use iCal sync with OmniFocus and Pomodoro (which seemingly still works with Mountain Lion but might not work in a future version), GPGMail which seems to break on every new Mac OS release (and it usually takes many months before it gets fixed) ... and I'm completely not interested in and will not ever use iCloud (it's a privacy nightmare).

So, I really hope that OmniFocus 2 will be supported on Mountain Lion "forever" because I might stay there when Apple decides to completely remove the right to have my own local data on my machine in whichever is the next version they're coming up with ;-)

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