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Changes in 1.7.4 SP, Build 9/24 Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've just installed the latest SP build and I want to comment on what I believe to be a serious regression in functionality. Specifically, this change:

Removed the "clear" button from the right edge of the view bar. (Instead, the best way to return to a known view state is to select one from the Perspectives menu.)

What I want to point out is that clicking the old 'clear' button and selecting a saved perspective is not the same thing. The clear button only reverted any changes in the view bar, while selecting a perspective restores all saved states, such as focus, layout, etc. If I want to click on the old clear button, it is not to return to a known view state. I click on the clear button to undo any temporary filter changes made to the toolbar.

I'm fine with removing the colored text 'Stopped coloring view bar options when they differ from the default settings for a view mode.), but please put the clear button back in the view bar.

You can set up a perspective named "Default View Bar" with all the restore boxes unchecked. That perspective will then only restore the view bar, which is what the clear button did.

I didn't use the clear button, but don't dispute that some found it useful. Hopefully a "Default View Bar" perspective will provide a work around.



Thanks for the tip Curt. However, unless I am missing something, the 'Default View Bar' perspective that you describe would not restore the view bar universally. Or putting it another way, the perspective would set the view bar to a fixed, saved state, but not restore the saved view bar settings across all perspectives. With the clear button, the view bar settings revert back to what has been saved for the perspective that is active at the time.

Yes, I think you're right.

Did the clear button restore the view bar for the perspective in 1.7? I thought that changing the view bar in 1.7 caused the perspective to be forgotten. It disappears from the title bar anyway.

It sounds like you have a clear use case that isn't satisfied with the new combination of features--definitely a candidate for Help → Send Feedback.



Originally Posted by Greg Jones View Post
With the clear button, the view bar settings revert back to what has been saved for the perspective that is active at the time.
That's a reasonable thing to expect the clear button to do—it's what I'd expect it to do—but that's not actually what it has been doing since 1.7: in 1.7, the moment you change a view bar option you drop out of your perspective, and if you press Clear when you're not in a perspective (i.e., the only time Clear is available) it takes you to a default view for that view mode.

1.6 didn't drop out of the perspective when you changed view options, so in 1.6 the Clear button did work as you describe. But not leaving the perspective caused its own set of issues, where people would change the view bar to something drastically different from the selected perspective (e.g., viewing completed items while in the Due perspective) but the window title and selected toolbar item would still indicate they were looking at "Due".

In 1.6 it also wasn't really clear how to leave a perspective to configure the default layout settings, which meant people would end up configuring columns for the wrong perspective, etc., and end up having to add the Due column over and over again (or giving up on it).

But I think I did prefer the 1.6 behavior overall, and maybe now that we have independent controls for restoring perspective layout, etc., it would be reasonable to bring that back. (By the way, if you want to show that view bar clear button again there's a hidden default: ShowViewBarClearButton. I'm just not sure it's worth it in its current state.)

Speaking of those restore layout controls in perspectives…

I think the layout controls need an important refinement: I think they should refer to whether a perspective uses a custom layout or uses your default layout, rather than whether they restore a layout at all or not. Right now, if you go to a perspective with a custom layout and then return to one which doesn't have one (e.g. Projects), you'll be viewing your non-customized perspective (Projects) with the old perspective's custom layout—rather than the default layout which you would see if you opened Projects in a new window. (And if you're not careful, you might accidentally turn that custom layout into your new default layout for all the rest of your perspectives.)
Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
That's a reasonable thing to expect the clear button to do—it's what I'd expect it to do—but that's not actually what it has been doing since 1.7: in 1.7, the moment you change a view bar option you drop out of your perspective, and if you press Clear when you're not in a perspective (i.e., the only time Clear is available) it takes you to a default view for that view mode.
But in my usage, the clear button in OmniFocus 1.7 works almost the same as it did for me prior to 1.7. I have perspectives set up to give me specific views, and when I am using those perspectives I rarely, if ever, make changes in the view bar. I understand that, with 1.7, if I change something in the view bar and then check the clear button, I have dropped out of the perspective and into a default view.

However, my saved Projects and Contexts perspectives give me the same view as the default view for the view modes. It's in these two perspectives that I am most inclined to make temporary changes to the data displayed using the view bar. I realize that I am no longer in a perspective, but clicking on the clear button takes me back to an identical set of options as my saved perspective. The nice part of working this way is that the current focus, selection, etc. is not lost as would be the case if I just re-selected the perspective.

Thanks for the detailed explanation Ken. I had already reverted back to an older SP build, but I'll try changing the hidden default.
Oh, I should note that you can perform the same action as that Clear button by selecting "Revert to Default View" from the Perspectives menu.
Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
Oh, I should note that you can perform the same action as that Clear button by selecting "Revert to Default View" from the Perspectives menu.
I assigned a keyboard shortcut to the "Revert to Default View" command using the Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts system preference in Snow Leopard. Works nicely.


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