Oh... ha... ok, I better check that... ach... well, the scripting definitions show the notes as being rich text. They don't mention properties of notes, which would be excellent. Lemmie do some more digging.
BTW, I have had wonderful success with the little I've wanted to do. I didn't want to post it here until I solved the problem of links to files within the notes. The strange thing is that I can't seem to see the attachments at all. However, I did just find the "Attachment" definitions in the scripting dictionary, so perhaps the answer lies there.
Ach, I don't have much time to work on more of this... the simple text only version works wonderfully right now. If I could just solve this one thing...
Here's an image for you... (I may be shooting myself in the foot attaching this... but here goes...)
The "assistant" above is a stand-alone application that launches via applescript, and also feeds selected filter text into the filter box in the frontmost window. [think radio-buttons and filtering based on those buttons]
It's my attempt to leverage some of the smartness of the computer with the large numbers of items I have in my lists.
Now, if only my tagging scripts would work with attachments!!!