After every updates OmniWeb crashes ...
To get it to work correctly then, I have to remove the preferences file.
But if I do that, I loose all the Omniweb settings, sites settings, personnal search settings and adblocking rules !
So it is really really becoming boring !
Plus it happens in both US only and international versions.
When there are updates for other softwares, you don't have to erase every time a new one comes out the pref file ...
I will not spend my time to setup again after every updates, so I keep the 5.5.1 that which is the last update that didn't crashed after it is released without having to delete the pref file.
To get it to work correctly then, I have to remove the preferences file.
But if I do that, I loose all the Omniweb settings, sites settings, personnal search settings and adblocking rules !
So it is really really becoming boring !
Plus it happens in both US only and international versions.
When there are updates for other softwares, you don't have to erase every time a new one comes out the pref file ...
I will not spend my time to setup again after every updates, so I keep the 5.5.1 that which is the last update that didn't crashed after it is released without having to delete the pref file.
Last edited by m-rick; 2007-02-16 at 09:37 AM..