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Find - better highlighting? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
The FIND feature highlights word in gray color - which does not stand out from the background well. How about at least an option of other colors?

Also, in 5.2.2beta2, find seems to forget the state when mouse focus is lost and starts over from the beginning - is this really the intended behavior? If so, how about a highlight-all option?
The highlight color is controllable by System Prefs: Appearance: Highlight Color.

I'm not sure what you mean with your second point.
Originally Posted by Forrest
The highlight color is controllable by System Prefs: Appearance: Highlight Color.
That doesn't help.

The problem is that when the "Find" panel is active, the page you are searching is not. Whichever highlight colour you've selected in system prefs, the highlight will be gray until you make the browser window active, at which point the highlight colour will become whatever you've selected in system prefs.

Therefore, if you find gray to be not all that helpful as a highlight colour, you have to switch focus back and forth between the browser window you are searching and the find panel.

What we really need is an integrated search a la FireFox.
Ahh, ok. I see now. If you type in a term in the search box and then hit return, the dialog goes away. If you use your mouse and click "next" it doesn't.

I always use key commands to search, so the browser window always stays in focus. If I'm now understanding his second issue, hitting command+g would also solve the issue.
If OmniWeb adopts the new find feature of Safari for Leopard, this won't be an issue.
I agree with the opinion that what omniweb needs is an integrated search. That's one of my favorite and most used parts of Firefox. It's simple and fast.
same here - it the one reason I don't use OW as much as I used to anymore.
Originally Posted by JKT
If OmniWeb adopts the new find feature of Safari for Leopard, this won't be an issue.
That would be divine.
it would be really great if it had like some weird zoom-effect.
dunno in what browser I've seen than

if you search for something an click enter there is like a red circle really big nearly over the whole window wich than fast get's smaller and stays around the word for 2 or 3 seconds, and than it is only highlighted.

sry for my bad english, tho...
Originally Posted by JKT
If OmniWeb adopts the new find feature of Safari for Leopard, this won't be an issue.
Adding my support for this idea. Inline find really does speed things up and simplify life when searching through web pages, and Safari's new way of doing it is the best I've seen.

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