To those of you who, like me, are using only the iPhone version of OmniFocus, not the desktop version: what do you think is missing? Are you tempted, like I sometimes am, to buy the desktop version also, just to have the full feature set of the OF concept at your disposal?
I'm asking because I really don't want to use the desktop version — I wouldn't want to even if it were free. My organizer (which is what OF is to me) belongs in my trouser pocket, where it's always accessible, and having a second "home" for it, i.e. a desktop or laptop computer, is — or should be — superfluous.
But OFi is not complete in its present form. Some things are lacking. What would you say needs to be included in the iPhone version, so that it could truly stand on its own feet? And can you think of important iPhone-only features that should be added?
I'm asking because I really don't want to use the desktop version — I wouldn't want to even if it were free. My organizer (which is what OF is to me) belongs in my trouser pocket, where it's always accessible, and having a second "home" for it, i.e. a desktop or laptop computer, is — or should be — superfluous.
But OFi is not complete in its present form. Some things are lacking. What would you say needs to be included in the iPhone version, so that it could truly stand on its own feet? And can you think of important iPhone-only features that should be added?