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The Future of OmniWeb? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Any updates? Anyone? OW is crashing with increasing frequency, often multiple times a day. And the number of sites that are incompatible is growing, too.

If development has ceased, it would be nice to know that, too. I love this browser, but if it's dead, let's acknowledge that so we can move on.
Originally Posted by TimmyDee View Post
Any updates? Anyone? OW is crashing with increasing frequency, often multiple times a day.
That may well be because OmniWeb is still 32 bit and increasingly leaks memory for whatever reason. So even with only a few web pages open, its memory usage might exceed the 32 bit induced, nasty 4 GB (virtual) memory limit, in which case it immediately crashes.

At least that's what's happening for me. Even though I'm an OmniWeb power user, I'm not aware of (many) crashes induced by HTML code etc. directly.

And the number of sites that are incompatible is growing, too.
True. Mostly JavaScript issues in my experience.

Alas, it's getting much worse in Mavericks. :–( For some reason, cookies mostly don't work anymore in Mavericks, and as a result, OmniWeb becomes basically unusable for anything but completely static web pages.

If development has ceased, it would be nice to know that, too. I love this browser, but if it's dead, let's acknowledge that so we can move on.
I emailed Omni because of the Mavericks issue, hoping that maybe a quick fix would be possible to keep OmniWeb alive at least at a basic level in Mavericks. Unfortunately, the only reply I got was the usual boilerplate that

For the time being, our commercial products have been keeping us busy. Though OmniWeb is not currently in active development, if we do work on it again in the future our team will take a look at resolving the issue.


Thanks for the info, Uli. Sounds like the replies from OG are the same as they have been for the past few years. Time to start looking elsewhere, I'm afraid...

(Would be nice if they posted that more publicly somewhere.)
Originally Posted by TimmyDee View Post
Time to start looking elsewhere, I'm afraid...

(Would be nice if they posted that more publicly somewhere.)
I have a feeling they might be trapped in what I know as a "developer loop":
  1. First, for whatever reason, you don't keep your application as up-to-date as it should be.
  2. Then, you feel since it's been so long since the last update, the next update should be really big, offering all kinds of features to publically justify the lengthy period without updates.
  3. Unfortunately, while it would be feasible to quickly & dirtily fix the really urgent problems, you don't have time for something as big as (2). Therefore, go back to (1).
At least that's one possible explanation for why they don't do anything with OmniWeb, but also don't admit it's dead.

Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
Yaaahooooooooo! :-)))))))))))))))))
Originally Posted by Uli Zappe View Post
Alas, it's getting much worse in Mavericks. :–( For some reason, cookies mostly don't work anymore in Mavericks, and as a result, OmniWeb becomes basically unusable for anything but completely static web pages.
I’m overjoyed to report that the new 64-bit OmniWeb also fixes this issue and runs just fine on Mavericks!

Thanks soooooooo much, Ken!

Thanks for updating Omniweb!
Hi there,

is there any browser out there, which has got a similar tab-solution as OW has got?
I am on 10.9 and hate to work with Safari or Firefox and their titled tabs.

I am surfing the internet with OW since OS X 10.3 and I will be back as soon as the 64bit version is stable. But meanwhile I need an alternative.

Best Matze
Originally Posted by Mumpitz View Post
is there any browser out there, which has got a similar tab-solution as OW has got?
I don't think so.

I am surfing the internet with OW since OS X 10.3 and I will be back as soon as the 64bit version is stable.
What exactly do you find unstable in the current version of OmniWeb?

For what it's worth, Safari crashes more often for me than OmniWeb, although I use it less often …

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