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Scheduling to dos in the future Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Scheduling is key to being able to get things done. Right now Omnifocus appears to be a high end To Do list. It needs to be more than that.

If you schedule a task for a date in the future, you don't want to have to see those (unless you want to see the whole project at a glance) until those items come up.

If I schedule a call to Mr. Jones in November (and a million other calls and emails in between) - I certainly don't want to have to look at them, and have to sort through them, in April, May, June, etc.
You can make OF show you what you want it to show you. If you don't want to see stuff set in the future, it won't show up if your filter is set to 'available' as actions in the future are not available.

Have you created some perspectives yet? They're part of the way you use OF to only ever see what you want to see.

I've got all kind of stuff scheduled for the future and I never see them in OF till the day they start or are due. As has everyone else on these forums.
Originally Posted by bangzoom View Post
Scheduling is key to being able to get things done. Right now Omnifocus appears to be a high end To Do list. It needs to be more than that.

If you schedule a task for a date in the future, you don't want to have to see those (unless you want to see the whole project at a glance) until those items come up.

If I schedule a call to Mr. Jones in November (and a million other calls and emails in between) - I certainly don't want to have to look at them, and have to sort through them, in April, May, June, etc.
Judging from this question and another similar one that I have also replied to, it sounds like you're a pretty new user of OF. Are you using contexts, perspectives, folders, start and due dates (which would address your future tasks question)? These and other features make OF far more than "a high-end To Do list." But let's start with those first since they are pretty fundamental to using OF. Also, not that it's a prerequisite to using OF, are you familiar with the GTD system? Have you read David Allen's book? The reason I ask is that if you don't have at least a basic understanding of terms like "context," then you will struggle a bit to get up to speed with OF. And if you haven't read the book, have you at least viewed the OF help videos that Omni provides on their site? They're not long and can at least get you headed in the right direction.
Bangzoom, if you set a Start Date for actions like this and then set the status filter in either mode to "Available", they'll be hidden from view until that date rolls around. Does that help?
I've been using OF for a few months, and I agree with BangZoom. I'd like to just drag a handful of tasks to next Tuesday (like a GTD tickler). I want to be able to see what TUesday lks like compared to Monday and Wednesday, and instantly drag something from Tuesday to Thursday in case it's not working out.

Basically I want a calendar application that is directly linked to OF, but not the way OF shoots tasks to iCAL (actually that doesn't help me at all!).
alexjander has a good point. While grouping contexts by DUE results in "Due Today", "Due Tomorrow", "Due Within the next week" and helps, I'd like to see great granularity. "Due by (Day Name)" for the next seven days. "Due Next Week". Would be good examples.
I'm pretty sure we have a feature request open on that; if you email the support ninjas, they can vote the request up on your behalf. Thanks!

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