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View Poll Results: Would you spend an additional $5 per app for better documentation and training?
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help! how to make extra stencils appear Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
OK, I have OmniGraffle Pro 3.2.4 (v74.18).'ve downloaded a bunch of extra stencils. I've moved them into the my <user> Library/Applications support/OmniGraffle/Stencils folder.

Some are definitely not showing up in the Stencils menu. Example: I downloaded the Web Flowchart, unpacked it and got WebFlowchart.gstencil, which i moved into the library folder. Isn't showing up in the app gui. Neither is gardening.gstencil or Wireframe shapes.gstencil.

Then there's the .graffle extension. Mindmap.graffle doesn't show, nor does Garden Layout.graffle.

I can access them by clicking on them in the folder, but that's a bit of a pain.

The documentation is really weak, no help there.

Since switching (back) to the Mac, I've had to take some knocks cause of loosing one of my favorite win apps: Visio. Graffle looks great, but need it to have better documentation and support before I see it as even close to Visio. I may have to revive my old Dell and go there, just to do visio diagrams for my work. Please, tell me it isn't so.:(
If the path to the directory is indeed correct, and the stencils named properly (.gstencil for Graffle 3, .graffle for Graffle 2), then you'll need to restart OmniGraffle in order for them to show in the menu and viewer.

Graffle 4 does not need to be restarted, FYI.

Hope that helps,
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Forgot to mention that, but have restarted multiple times after trying different things.
Double check that the directory is properly named, including case sensitivity.

Should be:

~/Library/Application Support/OmniGraffle/Stencils/

You can also simply create a new stencil, and save it -- OmniGraffle will automatically create the proper folder in that case.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
I created a new stencil to then follow the path back, and found, of all things, that my app folder had the name: OminGraffle, instead of Omnigraffle. Wow. Not sure how that happened, but my eye just never caught it!



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