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Column Width Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Does anyone know how to set the column width?
I am a teacher and use OO for rosters, among other things. It would be nice to be able to set the grade columns to a specific width. What I'm doing now is just dragging them until they are about the right width.
Is there an easier way to do this?
It sounds like you probably want to make similar documents over and over with the template facility. You make a "blank" document, get the settings the way you want them, then save as and choose "OmniOutliner 3 Template" as the file time (or just use Save As Template... if you have OmniOutliner Professional). Then whenever you need a grading sheet, or a class roster, or whatever you've made into templates, you open the template file and it makes you a new document based on the template.

As for setting the column width exactly, there is support in the Applescript dictionary for OmniOutliner to do that. The following script will prompt you for a value (in pixels) and set the width of all selected columns to that value. Is this better/easier than just dragging them all to be the right size? Depends on the severity of one's OCD, I think :-)

property defaultWidth : 100 -- default width, in pixels

tell application "OmniOutliner Professional"
	tell front document
		display dialog "Desired column width (in pixels)?" default answer defaultWidth buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2
		set width of selected columns to (the text returned of the result) as integer
	end tell
end tell

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