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Thinking process for OF Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I saw something useful at a GTD class recently that OF doesn't seem to support. A 3x5 card. =) The card looks something like this:

1. What is it -- for writing what the mind sweep item is
2. Is it actionable?

If no, then eliminate/incubate/reference
If yes, then...
3. What's the next action?
4. Are there multiple steps required?

If no, then stop
If yes, then...
5. What's the project outcome?
Is there a way to show the one and ONLY one item in your OF inbox you are working on, so as to focus on this kind of thing? It would be nifty if there was a single-record form entry screen for OF, a la desktop database apps.

See this thread for a discussion of this and related topics.


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