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Stencil that grows properly Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I want to have a stencil that essentially contains a box on top of a box. The background box is only there for a specific shadow f/x look (8 px to the left/bottom of the main box).

When I grow the box down the proportions of the 8px line effect gets warped (whereas the side bar stays consistent.) This makes sense and is to be expected. But, is there any way to grow/extend parts of a image like this in omnigraffle while keeping a certain parts "orgiinal" stats?

I've attached an example, please drag the box down and see what happens.

Apprecite your feedback.
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File Type: zip (8.8 KB, 1161 views)
While not technically a stencil question, I can address this -- It's entirely possible to use the Shadow Inspector to create a white drop shadow, 8 points (or pixels) offset, no transparency, and at the least "fuzzy" setting, which is not super crisp but may suit your needs.

See the attached file, and hope it helps.
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File Type: zip (9.7 KB, 1104 views)
"Vroom! Vroom!!"

Last edited by Joel; 2006-04-21 at 11:56 AM..
Why not just use the shadow effect of OmniGraffle?

Turn the shadow on, set it to its sharpest level, set it to be 8 px right and 8 px down, set it to sit on top of other shapes, pick the colour you want:

No matter how you alter the dimensions of the box or its shape, you will always get a shadow 8px from the right and bottom edge.

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