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Dropbox support? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I would like to know whether Dropbox support is a feature planned to be implemented at some point in the future? This way, I could sync my OmniFocus database much more easily (I don't currently use WebDAV and I cannot sync via Bonjour reliably often enough).
It is unlikely anyone at Omni will say "no, we aren't going to do that" but as a practical matter, they've already got a range of sync options, and a lot of other more pressing projects to get out the door, so you might have a long wait even if they want to add this! I suggest you go to and sign up for the Omni sync service, which is currently free and works well.

If you do want Dropbox support added (or any other change made), the best approach is to request it with Help->Send Feedback. That gets the request into the development database, whereas forum posts usually won't.
There's some more information in this post, in case it helps.

(Summary version: OmniFocus and Dropbox are two awesome things with designs that conflict somewhat. Dropbox wants one big file you sync around and use on one device at a time, while OmniFocus uses a lot of little files that have a specific relationship so you can do stuff on all your devices in any order.)

Last edited by Brian; 2010-09-22 at 03:34 PM.. Reason: wow, a one-sentence post sounds like a totally jerk-y post.
Unfortunately I have exactly the same problem here with both Swissdisk and Omnigroup's own sync service

I'm running iOS4.2 and have just had to do a reset on my phone. Prior to the reset my desktop and iphone were happily synchronising away, after the reset iPhone won't synchronise and just sits there saying it is preparing to synchronise.

My database size is at aprox 150Kb and I have tested the URL, username and password and they all work perfectly

Any suggestions would be gratefully recieved



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