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OmniGraffle 1.4 for iPad is now available! Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
OmniGraffle 1.4 for iPad is a major update which adds support for printing and multitasking in iOS 4.2, improvements to the Document Browser, stencil management, remote iDisk and WebDAV support, as well as other improvements and bug fixes.

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New Features
  • Printing - AirPrint support has been added for those users running iOS 4.2. Printing controls are accessible from the Document Browser. By default, all documents are set to fit canvases on one printer page, this setting can be toggled in the Canvas Size Inspector popover.
  • Multitasking - OmniGraffle for iPad 1.4 takes advantage of Multitasking in iOS 4.2 to better maintain application state and perform tasks when in the background.
  • The ability to selectively view documents based on file type has been added, users can choose to look at normal diagrams or at custom and downloaded stencils.
  • The ability to change the sorting order in the Document Browser has been added as well, allowing users to view documents in a list based on title or modification date.
  • A scrubber of sorts has been added to the bottom of the Document Browser view, providing quick navigation from one end of the list of documents to the other.
  • Users are now able to create their own custom stencils from scratch.
  • The ability to selectively show and hide any or all stencils in the Stencils popover has now been added.
  • A server-side flag at Graffletopia has been put in place to expressly not show certain stencils that perform poorly or not at all on the iPad. Said stencils will not show in a search from within OmniGraffle for iPad.
  • The Konigi Wireframe stencils now come bundled with OmniGraffle for iPad.
  • Support to access and write to files at a WebDAV server or MobileMe iDisk account has been added. Documents in both the local and remote locations will be overwritten with a prompt to better facilitate round-trip operations for working with the same file. Documents can be exported and emailed natively or as PDFs and PNGs to WebDAV and iDisk as well as to the iTunes directory for access via the desktop.
  • A new and improved Font Inspector popover is in place, making bold and italic typeface selection easier, and text can now be underlined.
  • Various improvements to the Text Tool in Drawing Mode have been made.

Bug Fixes
  • Better descriptive clues have been added to the controls to filter by style in the Selection view in the Contents popover.
  • Locked layers are indicated as such in the Object List view in the Contents popover.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to move a shape into a locked layer.
  • The Text selection contextual menu now has a Select option for easier text selection.
  • Fixed a bug where the Geometry Inspector steppers were not working properly if a file coming from the desktop had a custom ruler origin.
  • Fixed an issue with Linear Blend fills not displaying properly if they had transparent outer colors.
  • Fixed a bug where transparent canvas backgrounds would expose previous documents or views.
  • Addressed some rotation snapping problems.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"

Last edited by Joel; 2010-11-08 at 02:05 PM..
No magnets in this update? Dern. The lack of that control is killing me...
Really great update, thanks! Love the fact that imported stencils do no longer show in the document list by default, this was highly irritating. Also, most Graffletopia downloads work fine now; I still ran into a few that downloaded and did not install and ended up showing the placeholder image in the document list... well, maybe this will still improve.

iDisk support is great, but with larger files it reminded me how painfully slow iDisk really is (I know, Apple's fault - they have done nothing about it for ages). Are there any plans for supporting Dropbox in the future? It is multiple times faster, free, automatically syncs to all my machines and even keeps a revision history. Much better.

And, if this helps, I too vote for putting magnets at the top of the priority list if possible (please!). Connections are really the weakest spot right now, they just behave too randomly and I waste far too much time trying to make them do what I want. Once this is done, maybe somebody can look into defining custom color swatches, or at least one slot for company colors... CI/CD is a pretty blown up issue here.

Give me magnets and I'm your man. Right now, still a little disappointed.

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