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Frequent crashes in test builds starting with r200159 [fixed in r200449] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Originally Posted by jwthomas View Post
I'm afraid not. I tried it and it crashed again on the NYT site. OG #1005185 sent by e-mail.
Well, the good news is that it looks like this crash is in a different place. The bad news is that it's harder to tell what's going on in this new place. Hmm…
OK, the latest build (r200322) doesn't actually fix the crash, but I'm hoping this change will make it easier to track down:

Updated crash reports to include the last few seconds of information from the OmniWeb error log, since those details might include a vital clue as to why OmniWeb crashed. (Note: as always, you can review and edit your crash details before sending in the report.) You can turn off this reporting by turning off the “Copy log to crash reports” checkbox in the Error Log window.
I think the most common issue may finally be fixed in r200401. Give it a spin and let me know!
Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
I think the most common issue may finally be fixed in r200401. Give it a spin and let me know!
Well, OW didn't crash but it wouldn't reload, and clicking bookmarked links resulted in the correct address in the address bar but no loads of the actual sites. I flushed the cache and checked all my settings for anything out of the ordinary but didn't find anything to indicate the problem was on my end. Can you replicate my experience?
Originally Posted by jwthomas View Post
Well, OW didn't crash but it wouldn't reload, and clicking bookmarked links resulted in the correct address in the address bar but no loads of the actual sites. I flushed the cache and checked all my settings for anything out of the ordinary but didn't find anything to indicate the problem was on my end. Can you replicate my experience?
Does anything interesting appear in your Error Log (under the Window menu) when this happens?

(Hard to know since I haven't been able to reproduce the problem reliably, but I did see something suspicious and reviewed the code and think I may have fixed this for r200411.)
Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
Does anything interesting appear in your Error Log (under the Window menu) when this happens?
Here’s what I retrieved from the last session:

2013-12-11 12:06:24 OSULastRunStartInterval default is non-nil; unless you forcibly killed the app and restarted it it should be nil at launch time.

(Hard to know since I haven't been able to reproduce the problem reliably, but I did see something suspicious and reviewed the code and think I may have fixed this for r200411.)
There’s no 200411 in the builds. Did you mean 410 or 415?
Originally Posted by jwthomas View Post
There’s no 200411 in the builds. Did you mean 410 or 415?
Sorry, I meant the r200415 build.
Same problem here. I got an "automatic update" this morning, and OW crashed immediately. I tried downgrading to one of last week's previous versions, but no luck. Tonight's latest build (OmniWeb-6-r200415-Test.dmg) does not work either. OW crashes immediately after starting.

If there's any information I can contribute to help track down the problem, please let me know - feedback via mail unfortunately does not work for me.

Is there any way I can get some crash information on the console, so that I can pass this on?
Originally Posted by mbert View Post
Same problem here. I got an "automatic update" this morning, and OW crashed immediately. I tried downgrading to one of last week's previous versions, but no luck. Tonight's latest build (OmniWeb-6-r200415-Test.dmg) does not work either. OW crashes immediately after starting.
200415 didn't crash on opening for me, but it still crashes at random when clicking links to random sites. My crash reports: OG #1006200 and OG #1006202. The problem now is that there are no longer any versions visible on the download site that work. I think 200145 was the last that was reasonably stable.

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