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'Rubber' lines. Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Does anyone have already, or the ability to create lines (with or without arrowheads) that stretch visually to create the appearance of 'rubber' lines?

What I have in mind is, a situation in which one could specify a lines width as per usual, but have the option of additionally specifying a 'minimum' width or constriction point. This could be applied to the line like a special sort of node that could be moved along the line like a label currently is. I envisage it causing the width the line to be distributed along its length (i.e. from each end toward the node like a single bezier curve appliec to each side of the line), with the overall effect of having the line appear to 'stretch'. In the case of arrowheads applied to a line: the arrows themselves would remain as they currently are, with the line 'stretching' from where it joins them.

Sorry if that's a bit wordy. Hope someone gets the gist of what I am saying and can help. It would add a 'dynamic' dimension to the use of lines which doesn't seem to be available currently (at least not in the standard version).

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