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Upgrade to pro now, or wait Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am a happy omnigraffle 4 user, but have recently started using the 5 pro beta. I really like its ability to read and export visio files. So I am considering
an upgrade to 5 pro when it gets released.

In the forums I see a remark by Andrew from Omni:
Note that the price of OmniGraffle 5 is going to be higher than the current price of OmniGraffle 4. However, if you purchase now you will get a free upgrade to version 5 when it is released.



Am I correct in reading that I should upgrade to 4 Pro now, and will get an upgrade to 5 pro for free?


Last edited by oblomow; 2007-12-20 at 04:14 AM..
Yes thats how I read that as well, I recently bought ver 4 pro as well and wonder if I also would qualify for ver 5,.. from the quoted post it implies that buy 4 pro now at current price and get free upgrade to to 5 when it's released.

No comments from an Omni representative?

[Waving] Joel!!

Last edited by oblomow; 2007-12-20 at 04:18 AM..
Anyone??? The money is burning a hole in my pocket.... :)
Correct. Purchase OmniGraffle 4 now and receive a free upgrade to version 5 when we start selling it.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Thanks, ordered the upgrade and downloading right now.
Can't wait for the GA version 5 though. My colleagues finally want to talk
(and cooperate) with me. Great job :)
I bought 2008/02/08 the set of OmniGraffle4Pro and OmniOutliner3Pro from act2.
The license has been registered to the Omni Co..
Can I do a free up-grade to OmniGraffle5Pro?
Upgrading now (if still possible; it's getting close) seems to be the way to go. However, I already own the Pro version, and I asked this a while back but no one responded. Let me try again:
With the free upgrade to 5Pro if I upgrade to 4Pro now, it seems like I would be better off if I only owned 4 (Not Pro), since I could actually upgrade it. However, since I already own 4Pro, it seems like I'm stuck, or can I upgrade to 4Pro again to get the best price on 5Pro? Thanks.
Originally Posted by Joel View Post
Correct. Purchase OmniGraffle 4 now and receive a free upgrade to version 5 when we start selling it.
OG5 is officially out! Hurray!
Where and how do I get my upgrade?

Originally Posted by oblomow View Post
OG5 is officially out! Hurray!
Where and how do I get my upgrade?
You can download the upgraded software now and start using it (under its built-in two-week trial license), and we'll email you your updated license code by Friday. (We're already sending them out, but there are a lot to send!)

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