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Position text NEAR objects, not ON them Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm relatively new to OG, and attempting my first real project with it. I'm frustrated by the fact that there is no easy way to position the object text NEAR an object but instead it places the text ON the object. I see I can mess with the text alignment to force this a bit but that seems extremely labor intensive when dealing with a large number of objects. I have done the typical searching and googling but havent turned anything up yet.

What am I missing? I know there must be something obvious somewhere.
If you have OmniGraffle Professional, you can use the text offsets in the Text Inspector to accomplish this, you can even select a large number of objects and apply the settings en masse.

Hope that helps,
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Is there a way to just ask Graffle to fit the text "near"? A custom offset unlikely work for many objects as the position for text that doesnt overlay the object itself is bound to vary.

Hmm. Thanks for the answer.

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