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OF in a team Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

i use OF and i would like to use it in a team, does OF support delegating tasks?
how does it work? does it actually work?

how is this feature called in OF so i can look it up myself?

thanks a lot,
This is not a feature of OmniFocus. I do believe that this has been requested, but I've never seen any indication from the OmniGroup that they intend to implement anything along these lines. Cultured Code has indicated that this will eventually be a feature of 'Things', but based on the current state of that application, I wouldn't hold my breath.
The only thing way i have been able to keep track of delegated tasks is with by creating a context, i.e. create a context with a delegate's name in it. That is the only way I have found to keep track of it.
Hi Jirka,

Maybe this one is something for you:
I put a little service called Spootnik ( together which synchronizes Basecamp directly with OmniFocus. Each one keeps it's own OmniFocus database with his private/business tasks and share some of them (mostly business tasks) over Basecamp.

Spootnik is currently in private beta. If you like to test-drive it you can sign up here and join the private beta crew.

Best regards,
OmniFocus is used as a personal task management program for individuals.

I believe OmniPlan is better suited for delegation and larger scale projects.

Things has a long way to go to catch up with OmniFocus. Thing's user interface is what has the current wow factor. Beyond that, I'm sticking with OmniFocus.

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