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Exporting to Keynote and OPML Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Can anyone think of a solution to this problem, please?

I have always prepared my lectures starting in OmniOutliner Pro, which, apart from being brilliant outliner has, for me, the ultimate nifty feature that it will export to a very basic Keynote format, as well as to RTF and OPML.

In the past, I have created my lecture structure in OOPro, with the slide headings as level 1 rows and the body of the slide as level 2 rows. When that's been done: (i) I have exported it to Keynote and then tweaked the presentation using a theme I have created, or rather modified from the Apple original, and my presentation is done; (ii) I have exported it to RTF which I've opened in Nisus, got rid of all the level numbers and other bullets/whatever (I have since realised I can set the export to do that through the preferences), removed the headings where necessary and worked on it, expanding it adding examples and explanations that form the oral part of the presentation. That I have printed to PDF and made available to the students so they can't claim they didn't follow what I was saying.

That's all fine, but the question/problem is this ... I'm now having to produce a couple of completely new lecture courses, and I thought, "Great, I can use Scrivener for the written part! OOPro exports OPML; Scrivener can import OOPro's OPML, that's how I'll do it!" Nope, doesn't work.

Thing is, Keynote wants that basis for the body text as level 2 rows in OOPro; Scrivener wants that body text basis as a note appended to the level 1 header row. Level 2 rows of the OPML, in Scrivener become new documents, with however much of the text as can fit in the document title, but the body of the document empty.

Any suggestions as to how I can reconcile these two different requirements of my downstream software? Yes, I can export to RTF, make changes in NWP, and re-import the result into Scrivener and split it up, but it's time consuming to go into NWP just to do that only to re-import into Scrivener, when it's going to be compiled out in RTF to go into NWP anyway.

So, any suggestions? How do I get OOPro set up so that I can export to both Keynote and Scrivener without a lot of mucking about with RTF by exporting in OPML while retaining the Keynote export option. For instance, would there be a way, a script say, which would take level 2 text in an OPML file and convert it into level 1 notes?

Many thanks
Not sure whether this would help, but I wondered whether you had experimented with the alternative route from Omnioutliner to Scrivener which is explored in this thread.
Hi Robin,

Thanks very much for the response and suggestion. I'm sorry it's taken me long to reply ... much on my plate at the moment.

I hadn't thought about going through Markdown, even though I had read that original thread. I will try it, though not being a Markdown user normally, I feel slightly daunted.

In the meantime, a colleague on the Scrivener forum has written me an automator workflow that will — with one small glitch — convert the standard OPML from the original OOPro file into the structure that I need to import into Scrivener. I am in the process of trying to get it to run automatically on any OPML file that I save into the relevant folder.

When I've done that, I'll try and get myself set up with the Markdown route and see which suits me best.


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