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a command for removing completed status? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is there any command for removing the completed status of one or more Actions other than ticking the box of each one?
I decided to retrieve from my main Archive a completed Project with a quite complex array of Groups and Actions and use it in my current database as a template for an almost identical current Project... but I can't find any way to bulk remove the completed status from the Actions.
In fact there does not seem to be a menu item or corresponding keyboard short cut for marking an Action as completed, let alone uncompleted.
There is a Complete icon for the Toolbar but it does not toggle to Uncomplete (which is not a word as a present tense adjective.. perhaps: Incomplete !)
Select a whole batch of actions you want to (un)complete, then control or right click to bring up a contextual menu that has a Complete option. Or, just tap the space bar.
Thank you whpalmer4. ...such a simple solution! It's funny, I've spent more than a year with this program now and there are simple commands that I'd completely forgotten about! It's time I actually looked at that list of keyboard shortcuts I downloaded from the Omni website :)

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