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how to get guides on a shared layer Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
There isn't a method to do so at present, however we have a couple of feature requests to make manual guides more "object-like" so that they can live on a (shared) layer, and be managed via the Geometry Inspector.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Originally Posted by Joel View Post
...we have a couple of feature requests to make manual guides more "object-like" so that they can live on a (shared) layer, and be managed via the Geometry Inspector.
Yes please! This would be a welcome refinement.

Also, if Guides are to be treated more like objects, it could be interesting to enable the grouping of guides (drag select, and select "Group"), to maintain several guides at a consistent offset.

Of course treating Guides as objects could be taken quite a bit further, even to the extent that Guides might show Smart Guides relating to each other, allowing easy offsetting rows or columns of Guides with consistent spacing.
I'm trying to do the same thing - set guides once and then have them appear in the same position on all canvases so that I can keep certain objects in the same relative locations. Perhaps there is some helpful trick until the guides feature is available?
I use a shared layer where I've drawn lines to serve as guides. I lock the layer and have set it not print so I don't have to worry about it getting in the way. The only issue is that there isn't a quick key command to toggle the guide layer's visibility, so you have to toggle the Canvas and then click on the layer's visibility control.

A nice benefit is that I actually have several sets of guides/backgrounds - columns of equal size as well as a general grid showing common groupings of those columns (thirds, quarters etc.)
Yeah, I should have thought of that! Thanks.

- Leon
So after reading everything I can on the issue I have come to the conclusion that there is no "easy", built-in feature to make a master guide that spans across all canvases that can be turned on and off with a hotkey? Please tell me I am wrong.
Likewise, if this feature exists, I've been unable to figure out how to make use of it. If it is possible so share guides across multiple pages via a master page, I'd love to hear how.

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