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Database export import not possible Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have a new MBP

On my old PB I have export the database to USB Stick.
I will import this database on new MBP in Omnifocus.

I use Import and see the database on USB stick but I can not open it.
File is grey.

I don't understand this.

If I open the database in finder it works but I cannot save the database on my new Mac.

Can someone help me ?

Sorry for the confusion - no need to import unless you have data you're hoping to merge with the database that's already set up on your MacBook Pro.

If you just want to copy the database over to the new machine and start adding data there, all you need to do is quit OmniFocus drag the file to
<your home folder>/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus
(replacing the existing file, if any)

Once you restart OmniFocus, it'll open up the database just fine.

Thank you it work ;-)


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