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wackiness in the Address Field Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
is anyone else seeing this?

after using OW for a while, the following begins to happen:

1. type an address into the address field in the toolbar.
2. press Return to confirm and load the specified address.

the Return is actually inserted into the Address Field as a carriage return character and OW remains idle. fortunately, the address is appended to the drop-down list and I can click on it to load it.

other wackiness:

occasionally while trying to type into the Address Field or a form text box within the page, the cursor bounces to the end of the field or in the case of the Address Field, the field loses focus completely. I was ready to throw a fit yesterday while trying to edit a 5-digit number in a bank page's form. every time I selected the digit that I wanted to change, it would lose selection before I had time to press the digit to replace it!

Product: OmniWeb-5.6
Tag: OmniWeb-5.6-v613
Date: 2007-10-24 15:19:00 -0700
Revision: 93354


Last edited by Gregory; 2007-10-30 at 07:48 PM..

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