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Can OmniFocus sync 2 accounts on Mac w/Fast User Switching? [Answer: Yes] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hey everybody,

I wouldn't be surprised if somebody else has already asked this, but I looked around and couldn't find anything. So if the question I'm about to ask has already been answered...just point me towards it!

I use 2 users on my machine. I do this because I'm just obsessive about keeping work and personal separated. I like, but I don't want my work email encroaching into my personal life! I don't want work files getting lost with personal files, etc.

I need to sync OmniFocus between the 2 users and my iPhone.

I've been doing this using WebSync and it works great. It's a little silly in practice that I'm using the web to sync 2 OmniFocus databases on the same machine, but you get over it.

The only problem is WebSync is a little pokey with an EDGE iPhone. Omni has done a GREAT GREAT job of speeding it up, but if I don't open OF for a few days on my iPhone it can take a minute or 2 to sync up.

I'd like to switch to Bonjour/WiFi syncing, because I think it would be SO MUCH FASTER between iPhone and Computer. The only problem is that if I do this I'll have to disable the WebDAV Sync to keep my 2 user profiles synced.

Suggestions? I have seen some murmurings about DropBox...could this be a solution as long as I only had OF open on one user's profile at a time?
Originally Posted by Saaby View Post
I'd like to switch to Bonjour/WiFi syncing, because I think it would be SO MUCH FASTER between iPhone and Computer. The only problem is that if I do this I'll have to disable the WebDAV Sync to keep my 2 user profiles synced.
Why would you have to disable WebDAV or Bonjour syncing? I know it works fine having multiple users on a machine set up to sync with a remote WebDAV repository (MobileMe, in my case), and I can't think of any reason offhand why it shouldn't work similarly with the Bonjour sync stuff so long as you leave OmniFocus running in the user where the server is...but I haven't tried the Bonjour sync to verify that.
I think the original poster is saying that they' prefer to not have to choose between WebDAV or Bonjour syncing.

It's possible that fast user switching on one machine while OmniFocus is running in both accounts would work, but I don't think we tested that configuration. I don't know how bonjour handles messages from one account on a machine to another account on the machine...

If it turns out not to work, get in touch with the support ninjas (from the help menu) and we can work on speeding up your WebDAV sync as much as possible.

Yup -- what you suggested seems to work. It would be /ideal/ if I didn't have to have both users logged in, but as I work with both of them logged in 95% of the time, and as I seem to be the only person in the world with this particular need :D it will be just fine for now. (Sorry to be picky, it's an engineer thing).

So I'm going to try it this way for a week or 2 and see how it goes. Thanks for the help!

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