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i'm stumped!

I have a shape, with many sub shapes. Each of these sub-shapes represents a menu item. I would like to express these shapes as a tree view, with a single parent and many child shapes.

I can't seem to create connections that line up to the left of each of the child items, i.e. I would like it to look like a traditional tree view, the kind you would find in say for example windows explorer.

Any ideas? Thanks!
You can get things to lay out the way you want but you'll have to do so manually, since a tree structure isn't one of the layouts that's supported by the Graphviz engine.

You can use the Connections Inspector to put magnets at the East and West cardinal positions on your child shapes, and use that in conjunction with the orthogonal line type to get a nice tree structure.

Hope that helps,
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
That worked perfectly. I'm new to OmniGraffle, and that little tidbit has saved a LOT of time I would have spent drawing each connector manually. You sir, are the man :)


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