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Android users - how do you manage? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've ordered the Nexus 7 and I'm anticipating using it as my primary tablet (I know -- highly optimistic considering I haven't even gone hands-on with it). The big problem: OmniFocus. I'd love to be able to access it on the Nexus.

My current plan is to simply use the option to add tasks from the Nexus, and do everything else from the Mac, iPad, and iPhone as I do now.

I'm wondering how other Android/Omnifocus users cope.
Get a trial account on and kick the tires. It's not an outstanding web interface to OmniFocus, but it is serviceable.

(No disrespect intended to the developer, it's literally the only option and the reason it exists is to facilitate OmniFocus/Basecamp interactions, not to be a Web OmniFocus)

If you go full-Android I would recommend one of the web GTD applications, the best one (imo) is NirvanaHQ, I haven't seen anything on Android that comes remotely close to OmniFocus. Nirvana doesn't either but it has a good interface and an offline mode and is the most serviceable.

// side note, I would not hate it if OmniGroup was more encouraging of third party developers to do this sort of thing if it isn't one of their priorities -- would really help a lot of users out, it's a common question.
@emory - Thanks for the tips. I haven't heard about nirvanahq. I'll check it out.

I'm looking into Nozbe as an alternative to OF. The downsides: Somewhat expensive, and the Android client gets poor reviews.
I used Nozbe for a while on a trial basis. My biggest complaints about it were that the interface was a bit clunky and the developer/company was really HEY HOW ARE YOU DOING LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT PRODUCTIVITY AND NOZBE.
Ha! I've used apps like that.

I'm trying out Evernote as a possible OmniFocus replacement. We'll see how it goes.
I have all 3 versions of OF (iPhone, iPad and Mac) but I have converted to Android so need a replacement. I've tried a few but narrowed it down to Astrid and Any.Do. But my needs are quite simple.

All that said, if Apple opened up its OS a bit more I'd be back in a flash and the main reason would be OF. In fact, if I return to iOS it will be 90% because of OF.

Edited (finally): pathetic spelling :)

Last edited by Ron1n; 2012-08-17 at 06:14 PM..
Originally Posted by emory View Post
I used Nozbe for a while on a trial basis. My biggest complaints about it were that the interface was a bit clunky and the developer/company was really HEY HOW ARE YOU DOING LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT PRODUCTIVITY AND NOZBE.
Haha I had the same feeling. Plus almost no shortcuts. I tested "all" the apps on the market and tried to quit omnifocus twice... it is impossible.

@Mitch - why did you purchased Nexus? Is it because of you use a lot of google apps, size, price?
I have iPad 1, exclusively for OF and ebooks. I use some more apps, but basically that was the reason I purchased that. I tried to quit omnifocus and switch fully to Google based apps and use Nexus 7 and Google Nexus Galaxy, but OmniFocus beats everything.
So if it is price what concerned you, I would recommend to buy a pristine condition iPad 1 from eBay, cheaper than a new Nexus. Plus, it will work nicely with your iPhone (if you use iPhone). Believe me, OmniFocus on Mac + iPad is a killer. I really recommend it.
Originally Posted by BrainInside View Post
I would recommend to buy a pristine condition iPad 1
Probably a safer proposition to buy an iPad 2 at this point, perhaps one with imperfect cosmetics if price is an issue. Even the iPad 2 misses out on some features in iOS 6; it's a false economy to buy nearly-obsolete hardware, IMO.

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