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How do I open a stencil and use it? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
This is a really stupid question. I cannot figure out in OmniGraffle Pro 6 how to add a stencil to the inspector sidebar Stencil Library section. All I have is Shapes Plain and Shapes Shadowed. I can locate all the other stencils on disk but I cannot see what I should do to get them into the sidebar.

I've used OG 2,3,4 and then 5 for years, but I am new to 6 and completely confused why I cannot get a list of the stencils on the machine (let alone Graffletopia) and add the to the inspector.
This is not a stupid question.
The only stencils that are showing up in the stencil library are the ones that are not in folders. The resource library can see these but I cannot use any of them. Any fixes are must I revert back to the old version. This is a major pain.

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