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View Poll Results: would it be usefull for you ?
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what about OmniAtlas ? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
there are applications for nearly everything today. but still i am missing some kind of atlas ...
to see what i mean go to and download "anatlas".
sadly this application has been stuck in beta stadium for about 3 years now.
would be great if someone could make such an application. i am sure omnigroup would be able to do so and add even more features to it.
maybe there is a way to make a more detailed map, with features like route planing ...
or maybe infomations about countries and places on the map ...

just dreaming
I would love to see any sort of GIS app for the Mac. ArcGIS/View is absolutely maddening on the PC, and GRASS (while greatly improved), still isn't great. I'd be great if Omni could lend their GUI-fu to the GRASS project, but that's just me dreaming.
Have you been sneaking a peak at my notes? An atlas/map application would be part of my proposed OmniReference application, which would include Dictionary, Thesaurus, language translator, encyclopedia, atlas, and pretty much anything else found in your library's reference section. Hey, maybe even a Bartlett's Quotes section!
Originally Posted by edenwaith
Have you been sneaking a peak at my notes? An atlas/map application would be part of my proposed OmniReference application, which would include Dictionary, Thesaurus, language translator, encyclopedia, atlas, and pretty much anything else found in your library's reference section. Hey, maybe even a Bartlett's Quotes section!
Great idea!

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