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Groups or teams using OmniFocus: how do we share & collaborate? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
If you and your wife both have the Mac and iPhone versions, just keep the Mac running and use the Mail processing feature to email actions into each other's databases. See the topic "Processing Mail messages into actions" in the OmniFocus for Mac help.

What's an example of a feature for OmniFocus for iPad that you view as intended for people who don't mind spending as much time managing their lists as getting things done? That sounds like a feature that didn't get enough time to me!
Originally Posted by ramatsu View Post
But the frustration that I can't share tasks with him, without exposing him to the hundreds of items in my personal projects, has driven us both to use other products, losing our OF habits.

[...]We're using a cloud-shared task app that looks like the whole company's net worth is probably less than the cost of adding sharing to OF.
I'm exactly in the same boat as you. Love and trust OF but as more and more collaborative projects are entering my life, I need to find another solution.

Could you share with us what solution you're using right now?
Originally Posted by ramatsu View Post
But the frustration that I can't share tasks with him, without exposing him to the hundreds of items in my personal projects, has driven us both to use other products, losing our OF habits.

My husband just asked me if I could share my household tasks project with him. So now I'm suddenly in the same boat, wishing for sharing of projects and tasks without sharing all of my personal OF data.
I've been asking for the collaboration feature forever..

And found this nice alternative (not perfect, but good enough).
This collaboration feature is the only reason I can't convince my boss to buy this for our whole team.

We're using Wunderlist right now instead. Its simple and lacks some of the awesome features of Omnifocus, but I can share lists with people and can sync my lists to all my devices.
Originally Posted by felipehangen View Post
I've been asking for the collaboration feature forever..
I hear you.

I've been waiting for this for years (I joined here over 5 years ago - when OF1 was in beta) and still not even a hint of any tasks/project collaboration in OF2.

I finally found has what I need: projects/task collaboration, categories, cloud sync/backup, iphone app, works offline and the overhead is so much less than OF.

Last edited by cellmatrix; 2013-03-07 at 01:03 PM..
Originally Posted by cellmatrix View Post
I hear you.

I've been waiting for this for years (I joined here over 5 years ago - when OF1 was in beta) and still not even a hint of any tasks/project collaboration in OF2.

I finally found has what I need: projects/task collaboration, categories, cloud sync/backup, iphone app, works offline and the overhead is so much less than OF.
Our organization recently adopted Asana and I have to say, I'm really impressed. Their development cycle is very aggressive, adding features quickly. They have API hooks for creating your own apps from the database, and from a productivity standpoint they allow group collaborative projects, with a nicely integrated discussion platform. It's easy for project managers to check in on the velocity of employees or projects.

It's not available offline, which is a bummer, and there are no start dates which is a major bummer.

Rather than have asana incorporate all the things I love about OF, I would just love to see the ability to share projects/actions with other OF users. What a dream it would be to tie my "CTO agenda" context in with his inbox, and when he processes it it completes the task in mine.

Maybe one day :-)
+1 on collaboration! i love OF, but its hard to work with my team!
i really need to find another solution since OF can't help me with this! Please OmniGroup! ;)

Its the only thing that is missing for me on OF

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