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Well, here you go... why not submit your idea to this competition:

About My Dream App
My Dream App is a grand experiment to see what happens when you combine the expertise of some of the best talents in the software and tech world with great ideas and feedback from everyone else.

It works like this. For the first two weeks of the event, we'll be collecting ideas for killer apps from hundreds, hopefully thousands of contestants. Then, the My Dream App team will be narrowing these down to 24 great (and developmentally feasible) entries.

From this point on, we'll be bringing in the best talents in the industry, including people like Kevin Rose (Digg), original Mac evangelist Guy Kawasaki, New York Times columnist and best-selling author David Pogue, and even Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak to give their opinions and feedback on these ideas as they move on round by round. But ultimately, it'll be up to the site's users to determine which ideas make it to the end, with weekly elimination votes.

There's lots of prizes for the winners (and runners up). We're giving away 18 iPods, and 6 Macintosh computers. But the big prize goes to the three final winners: a contract to have their ideas developed into full-blown shareware applications, with royalties for life. Experienced Macintosh programmers Jason Harris (ShapeShifter), Austin Sarner (AppZapper), and Martin Ott (SubEthaEdit) are on board to judge throughout the event, and realize the winning ideas under the watch of development manager John Casasanta (iClip).

We think we'll have 3 innovative, killer apps by the end of this event, and it'll be up to you to help decide which ideas make the cut, and how they evolve throughout the event. Sit back and enjoy. This is going to an insanely great ride.

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