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I use both OmniPlan and OmniFocus, but they're not doing a great job of talking to each other right now.

By that I mean, I would like to be able to right-click on a task in OmniPlan and have the context menu pop up with an option called "Add to Inbox" which would then send it to OmniFocus.

The thing is, OmniPlan (and all software like this) is great if you look at it all the time and constantly keep track of what you have to do.

However, if it somehow had the ability to tie-in with OmniFocus to remind you that this is due, or a task is overdue, or that you only have 1 week left on this or that...then we'd really be leveraging the software.

Is this something you guys and gals have thought about?
Ah, just saw some other posts that you indeed are looking at how to integrate the two. I guess I answered (through a better search) my own question.

This is my crack at "OmniProject". I'm not a software designer so I don't know how hard this would be.

What I am looking for is total app integration. This new app should sync with iCal, Mail, and Address Book (that way I can access the info on my iPhone too).

The idea is not just to do a gantt chart, or a network diagram, or a GTD app, but instead to use this to create activities and then be able to click on those activities and attach emails to them, or create a to-do (ala OmniFocus), or add a file. That way, you're not just looking at bars and activities, and then using a whole other set of apps to track your to-do's and emails and attachments.

Even better, picture this: you get an email from someone working with you on a project, regarding what you know as Activity 152: Prepare Presentation. You have to update the presentation and her email includes the template. Imagine if you could just right click on the email and a context menu pops up that says "Add to OmniProject" and when you click on it, you get a floating window that pops up so you can select the activity you want to "attach" this email to. Or maybe a menu item says "Add ToDo in OmniProject." Bam there it is.

What I want is the ability to go to one place and manage a task, add a file to it, or a google map; mark it complete, etc.

I've attached a sketch of what I mean. What do you guys think? Can we get the great Omni folk to do something like this? Yes? No? Am I just an idiot with way too much time on his hands? (Don't answer that!)

Gotta dream right!?

P.S. The file was too big for the forum so here is a link. I have it on
Originally Posted by deesee View Post
By that I mean, I would like to be able to right-click on a task in OmniPlan and have the context menu pop up with an option called "Add to Inbox" which would then send it to OmniFocus.
If you set up the OmniFocus clipping feature, you can select a row in OmniPlan and issue your keyboard shortcut (or use the OmniPlan->Services->OmniFocus: Send to Inbox menu entry) to send the task, any associated note, start date/time, duration, and a clickable link back to the task into OmniFocus.

Great tip. Thanks.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
If you set up the OmniFocus clipping feature, you can ... send the OmniPlan task ... into OmniFocus.
How about the reverse. If I'm an OmniFocus user and get OmniPlan, can I send an OmniFocus project with its tasks, sub-groups, actions, etc into OmniPlan?
Originally Posted by HinckleyScott View Post
How about the reverse. If I'm an OmniFocus user and get OmniPlan, can I send an OmniFocus project with its tasks, sub-groups, actions, etc into OmniPlan?
I presume you have seen this post, which includes an applescript.

That's an awesome script RobTrew. Thanks for sharing!
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
If you set up the OmniFocus clipping feature, you can select a row in OmniPlan and issue your keyboard shortcut (or use the OmniPlan->Services->OmniFocus: Send to Inbox menu entry) to send the task, any associated note, start date/time, duration, and a clickable link back to the task into OmniFocus.

Unfortunately this does not appear to be the case for me. Yes, I get a clipping, but it lands in my OF inbox as a note with no clickable links, notes, times, etc. (Latest versions of OP and OF, BTW...)

Advice? Commiseration? Hemlock?
My guess is that you either do not have the OmniPlan clipping plug-in enabled in the OmniFocus preferences, or you have reordered the plug-ins and OmniPlan's plug-in is after the Any Application plug-in. Either way, the result is that the magic doesn't happen...

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