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How does the iPhone play into contexts? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi all -

In my efforts to restructure my projects and context and simplify, I've been thinking of something. Part of my context simplification has been based when I "can't" do something. So, for example, instead of having:

-- @email
-- @online
-- @whatever

There's no need for @email, because if I'm online, I can do e-mail. So, for example, in a "can't do" approach, I can't do corporate Service Desk Tickets *just* online, I need to be on my corporate network. So, I have a @mac -> @VPN context. Service Desk Tickets's CAN'T be done just online, so they get added to @VPN.

Anyway... in an effort to do this, I started realizing that iPhone adds a whole new dimension of when something can be done. All my computer contexts are nested under @mac. However, a lot of them can be done on the iphone as well. There are somethings that can't be done on the iPhone or that I don't want to due to effort (like editing wiki pages). I'm curious as to how you guys have incorporated your iPhone into your contexts?

Just curious.

I factored things a bit differently:

I've got a Mac context, with subcontexts for various machines:

Mac:iMac G5

This could just as well be a Computer context but Mac is more convenient to type, and this way the PC stuff is far away from the good stuff :-)

Tasks assigned to specific machines in these contexts are things that need to be done on that machine, usually because that's where some resource is, whether it be software, hardware, or maybe the location. Because the PC stuff is segregated off in its own top-level context and I don't use the PC for general purpose computing, the top-level here does end up being essentially a catch-all for computing tasks not involving the internet.

I've also got an Internet context, also with subcontexts for various machines:

Internet:iMac G5

I would probably add a Internet:VPN context in your position.

I do not display the full hierarchy for context or project names (see the General pane in the Preferences) so in the big views I just see "Mac" or "MacBook" or whatever and the perspective mechanism takes care of hiding unavailable stuff.

I probably will add the iPod/iPhone in somehow, but my situation is in some ways the opposite of yours -- I've got some tasks which can only be done on the iPod. I only have a handful of actions assigned to the subcontexts on the Internet context, and the top-level Internet stuff is pretty much all things that could be done from any browser, so I don't have to worry too much about "would I be able to do this on the iPod/iPhone?"

I do a similar construction with my Errands context and its many subcontexts. I've got an Errands:Grocery Store subcontext with a location search pointed at my usual grocery stores. Most grocery items will end up there, but a few may end up in a specific subcontext, such as Errands:Costco (which has a location search pointed at Costco locations). Library books get their return action set to a context of Errands:Library (again, with a location search for libraries), because any library in the system will do, but books available only at a specific library will have their borrow action set to a context of Errands:Library:<City>:<Branch> (location search set to that specific library). I don't use the "anywhere" location tag, as that seems to just clutter up the Nearby view. The location facilities on the iPod are mostly a frustrating glimpse of what could be really great, as you can't readily use it unless you are stopped somewhere with good WiFi coverage for you to get both connectivity and a position fix. It would be an improvement if you could somehow tell OF "pretend I'm at <some location>" so you could see what is nearby even if you can't get a position fix, or plan a wide-ranging excursion.
I have pondered the same thing recently. The major problem with iPhone over say a laptop is comfort, and of course a lot of programs are simply missing. It is rather like a tiny netbook really.

I have so far created a 'notetaking' context, which happens in evernote usually. Typing is usually doable, as no editing is required. It contains tasks such as typing up drafts or brainstorming thing in a very simple way. everything else i use on the iPhone is either a two minute action, or a read and review type of thing (or games of course). It also serves a kind of low energy, faffing around, type of context.

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