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OF 1.7 SP - New way of counting? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
In 1.6 I had a color marking of the tasks that were due yesterday, or today. This was the color specified in the settings as "overdue". The DueSoon color was for the tasks of tomorrow and the next few days.

With 1.7SP it seems that the tasks that are today are also DueSoon, and only the tasks of tomorrow are Overdue. - This seems very logical to me !

But I would like to have a different color for today and for DueSoon (the next couple of days).

Also, if I have one task that was due for yesterday, the count badge onlys shows 1, eventhougt I need to complete todays tasks as well...

It surely is a much better defenition of the words, but with a lack of functionality (for me) in contrast.

Have anybody else seen this?
Suddently while doing something else Growl warned me that I had some overdue tasks.

These tasks is the ones that is schedulet for today.

This happened at excatly 1700 hours, so this might be a feature?
Tasks have due dates and times. Tasks become overdue when the due time has passed. OF iPhone in version 1.5.2 began setting default due times of 17:00 on the due date in question. Most likely you are seeing tasks marked as overdue that were due early in the current day. You can use the inspector to view the due date and time information. (Or if you're daring, you can run the 1.7 sneaky peek, which lets you display due time in the main window.)

Thanks Curt

I found the setting. (and I am running th 1.7SP)
My problems with this continues.

In my preferences I have set default duetime for 00:01
When I add an action in the main window, the right time of 00:01 is set for my completion.
When I use the QuickEntry the time of 17:00 is set.

So It is not concistent, making hard for me to figure out.

Does anybody else have this problem?
Originally Posted by CVN View Post
Does anybody else have this problem?
Yes, I am seeing the same thing. Regardless of when the due date time is set in preferences, quick entry always sets the due time to 5:00PM/17:00.
Don't forget to use Help → Send Feedback to report the bug.

Originally Posted by curt.clifton View Post
Don't forget to use Help → Send Feedback to report the bug.
and now the bug is fixed. Thanks OmniGroup !

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