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"Do today" functionality OMNIFOCUS VERSUS THINGS Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
The longer I use omnifocus, the more I miss a do today option.

Something which is standard in the program "Things". Not GTD but a very user friendly program.

The drag and drop function works also better in "things", because one can only change the title after double clicking.

Not so in Omnifocus. Dragging an action, or project is more difficult in omnifocus because the titlefield opens if one clicks the bar.

I think omnifocus could really be more userfriendly if they look closely at the userfriendly aspects of "Things"
I totally agree!

Specifically regarding the "Do Today" feature, some OF users suggested simply flagging tasks you want to do today. Maybe this can work for you?
How is this different to using the "Due" button on the top that presents your actions in the Context view by the due date? I use this and flags to identify the really critical stuff I need to get done, and it works well.

Otherwise how does Things compare?
Is there a way to show "due" and "flagged" items in the same perspective? I can't figure it out.
Right,. so what I mean is that "Due and flagged" shows all future flagged functions as well. What I really want is "Due and flagged and available".

Doesn't seem to be possible (although I've heard that perspectives are becoming more flexible down the road). :(
As a long-time Omnifocus user (from the beta period), I am sad to admit that I have moved over to Things. I've been less than enthusiastic with OF's interface from day one, but put up with it. I admit that OF has more features, powerful features. However over time, I've come to realize that I don't really need them. The only thing (important to me) that OF does that Things does not is sequential tasks in a project - but that rarely comes up for me, and I can fudge it in Things, more like doing it manually.

I've also read GTD several times, thinking it was brilliant, but eventually found the whole philosophy not applicable to my workflow. Contexts are not all that important for me.

Most of what I do is on the computer, a laptop that I carry to work, home, and vacation. Other things like phoning I can do most anywhere. I'm in academia, so my daily schedule is only constrained by classes, usually one per day - the rest of my activities, be they research, reading textbooks, going to the mall to run errands, fixing something at home, etc. can be scheduled as needed. In other words, I don't need to check an @errand context to see what to do if I happen to be near a mall. I check what I need to do and if an errand seems more important to me than other things right now, I'll just pack up and head for the mall. If I'm at work and have something to do at home - then I'll go home to do those tasks, unless I have a must-do task to do at work (although, as I said, most tasks I can to anywhere).

The bottom line is that I need a less powerful system, and Things just about covers it for me. Plus it has the kind of simplistic interface that engages me; look & feel is an important property for me when it comes to software.

At this point, I'm just into the third week of using Things - I may eventually find that some features are lacking and could return to OF, but right now, the honeymoon is still enjoyable!

Last edited by pvonk; 2009-12-01 at 10:33 AM..
Originally Posted by intranation View Post
Right,. so what I mean is that "Due and flagged" shows all future flagged functions as well. What I really want is "Due and flagged and available".(
I agree. "[Due and [Available Flagged] ]" would be great.

I would like to see the 'Flag' become a date (as in, this Action is Flagged Dec 5, 2009) that indicates when it will be worked on (different than when it is Available, and not the same as when it is Due).
Originally Posted by JorBru View Post
I agree. "[Due and [Available Flagged] ]" would be great.
See post #5 in this thread.
Pvonk does Things have a Start Date for tasks or just a Due Date? I was looking at it tonight. I find the Start Date pretty useful.

I'd also like a ToDay option for the sometimes trivial things that really do have to happen today. At the moment I am using a check list from Notes in Mail on the mac. But they don't sync to the iPhone -- one of Apple's less inspired moves.

Thanks - Michael

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