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Groups or teams using OmniFocus: how do we share & collaborate? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Originally Posted by policarpo View Post
Essentially this is what I am trying to do:

. Delegate tasks to teammates
. Have them receive Tasks
. Have them update status of Task
- notes, attachments, etc
. Complete Task and check it off as complete
. Have entire team aware of open Tasks via OmniFocus
As I said in the other thread the best way to do this at the moment is to use a server application to master your tasks and then sync OF with that if required.

Something like Trac ( or RedMine ( etc. will do everything in your above list and then you can use an AppleScript running locally to pull and push tasks to OF. There are scripts on the web that do this already. Sure it's not ideal but it would be fairly simple to set up.

I've just noticed OF doesn't have a Scripts menu. That might be a good feature request. If you could run scripts from inside OF, that would make this sort of thing a lot nicer.
Thanks for the links to those. I'll give them a review.

I think for the time being until or if we get some sort of collaboration features in OmniFocus, I'll just keep using the BusyCal route of pushing ToDo's out to my team.

We should have the static IP with iCal Server running mid next week, so I am hoping this will work and remove the added layer of BusyCal from our workflow.

Actually, I spoke to soon regarding the BusyCal route.

Seems like a bag of hurt when syncing to iCal.

I am getting all sorts of errors when writing to and from the Shared Calendars.

I submitted a bug to the ninjas, so hopefully they'll let me know what I'm doing incorrectly.


Sorry for any confusion, i've been working with Things and OmniFocus on using this particular workflow with my team (I have encountered no weird read write issues with Things so far). I thought I had it working with OF, but it no longer seems to be working. Grrrr....


Last edited by policarpo; 2010-06-13 at 06:07 PM..
Originally Posted by henry View Post
I've just noticed OF doesn't have a Scripts menu. That might be a good feature request. If you could run scripts from inside OF, that would make this sort of thing a lot nicer.
Most new Mac OS X apps don't have their own scripts menu. The intent is that apps use the shared, system-wide script menu. Use /Application/Utilities/AppleScript Editor to turn on the system-wide script menu. There's a checkbox inside the Editor's general preferences to turn on the menu.

OF also lets you put scripts in its toolbar. In fact, there's a whole section of the forum dedicated to scripting OF.

Originally Posted by policarpo View Post
Actually, I spoke to soon regarding the BusyCal route.

Seems like a bag of hurt when syncing to iCal.

I am getting all sorts of errors when writing to and from the Shared Calendars.

I submitted a bug to the ninjas, so hopefully they'll let me know what I'm doing incorrectly.


Sorry for any confusion, i've been working with Things and OmniFocus on using this particular workflow with my team (I have encountered no weird read write issues with Things so far). I thought I had it working with OF, but it no longer seems to be working. Grrrr....
This is what I meant by this approach being fragile. It might appear to work but then fail without warning. Since Omni isn't focused on collaboration features, it's extremely unlikely that they will have tested iCal syncing with shared calendars, or even considered the detailed implications of that.

I don't mean to be discouraging. It's just that after working several years as a systems integrator, my fragility alarm is going off like crazy. I think you might be happier in the long run—and invest less time—by pursuing software built for the task at hand.

Yep. That's kind of the feeling I'm getting after having hit it hard in sandbox testing the past few days. I've been testing it against Things with the same setup and so far I haven't encountered any odd behavior from Things (Usability issues of the app aside of course).
Just a quick post to raise a question.

several of us in the company I work for are now GTDers with iPhones.

I'm using OF and others are using different methods.

Are there any plans to make OF a Group product where changes can be sync'd between parties? Can it be done with a single database with 20 Devices syncing regularly or will this cause problems? I'd also like to keep private and business stuff separate.
Moving this post to an existing thread on the subject of OmniFocus for teams, and adding "Group" to the title of that thread to make it more likely to turn up in searches.
In my new role I have a need for sharing projects out between different members of my team. - similar to what 'flow' is meant to be on the iphone. Is this something coming in future versions of Omnifocus?

Having played with this caters for my needs, but I've used Omnifocus for a long time now and love the power of the software.


Welcome to the forums, Andrew! Going to move your post into an existing thread which should be helpful. (Responding in the original thread before moving it in order to trigger any notifications you signed up for.)

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