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macbookpro kernal panic Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have experienced several kernel panic and system crashes since I started using omnifocus. The mac people helped me pinpoint a software problem. Since omnifocus is the only thing I recently installed I wonder...
I stopped using the software for 2 kernal panic. I use my ipad version now.
I re-opened the laptop version a few times recently and the kernel panic started again today...
Next step is to uninstall omnifocus...and maybe lose my data?

Has anyone experienced something like this? And what is the solution?

Thanks for the help
I have not experienced kernel panics at all on my MacBook Pro or iMac although my MacBook Pro is a June 2007 model and I've been using OmniFocus since it was in beta. You might want to post the additional details of your setup (exact MBP model, operating system, version of OmniFocus, and anythig else you think is relevant). The only time I've had kernel panics I thought it was caused by MacSpeech's Dictate, but it appears to have been a hardware problem (Dictate makes fairly heavy use of the hardware so that may have just made it more likely to happen while it was running) as Apple replaced my one month old iMac with a new one in 2009 and I haven't had any since.

Did you change/upgrade your memory recently?
Hard to see how OmniFocus could be causing a kernel panic! You're getting a message like shown in this Apple document?

Who are "the mac people"?

If you are syncing between OmniFocus on your Mac and your iPad, you have a complete copy of your data on your iPad (and possibly elsewhere, if you aren't using Bonjour syncing). The OmniFocus database lives in the Library/Application Support/OmniFocus/OmniFocus.ofocus file in your home directory. I would make a backup before removing the application and its associated files (Library/Application Support/OmniFocus/, and Library/Preferences/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus) but you should also be able to recover from the iPad's copy if needed.

Most Mac OS X kernel panics I have seen have been hardware related, often memory problems as dave256 suggests. I had some bad memory years ago that only seemed to fail when I ran OS X, not OS 9. Then I booted a RAM disk program in OS 9, set aside nearly all of memory as a RAM disk, ran a disk corruption tester on the RAM disk, and a flood of error messages came out. Either OS 9 wasn't stressing the memory sufficiently, or just wasn't trapping the errors. OmniFocus might just be stressing your machine in a different way and triggering the underlying problem.
I have received two major crashes since the installation of Omnifocus. After the first I had to reinstall the software, because I could not even force quit.

I have not used the unlicensed version for a couple of days and wanted to pick it up again to evaluate, just to experience another crash with my new airbook totally unresponsive.

Thiswas probably my last attempt to use this software as I can not afford to loose any work or my computer!

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